** BRAZIL. 28485 USB, Oct 16 at 2210, PY3PR calling CQDX and making quick contacts in English with US hams. QRZ.com: ``PY3PR Brazil flag Brazil, Paulo R. Ferreira, py3pr@arrl.net, Xangri-lá, RS, Brazil. My QTH is Xangri-lá, RS (GG 40), an atlantic seashore town in Southern Brazil where I also enjoy bycicling and fishing`` -- once again, 10m is replete with beacons; and phones, some of them working Parks On The Air (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHILE [and non]. 28472 USB, Oct 15 at 2206, CA3VAK, Víctor in Santiago, contacting VA7LSA, also audible weaker. Already heard him about the same time on Oct 11, 4 kHz lower, q.v. 10m is crammed with beacons and phone, 11m CB full of QRM from all those skippers, many AM on inexact het frequencies. Must be the October peak. I spend some time bandscanning above 30 MHz for broadcast harmonix of 5, 6, 15 MHz bands, as well as below 30 for 9 MHz harmonix x 3, especially in the 28.5+ MHz range which is still mostly vacant of hams; but nothing. Even if propagation be possible, there are so few fundamentals anymore from Latin America. I also keep checking 35790 for Martí 3 x 11930 which did make it to Alberta, but no luck here where sporadic E would do it. But I urge others to be alert for such breakthrus (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** COLOMBIA [and non]. 10125 CW, Oct 16 at 0622, HK3QQ, keyboard alfabet with usual errors and ID. Also traces of USB, no doubt the Australian hams (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** JAPAN. 11965, Oct 15 at 2221, S9+10/20 in Japanese talk so strong that I suspect Madagascar relay, which is on 11965 at 20-21 but with MWV/WCB. HFCC shows at 2100-2300, NHK direct from Yamata, 300 kW at 235 degrees for SE Asia = Myanmar to Philippines to Indonesia. Directly off the back would be 55 degrees toward Sacramento and across Mexico, while we are at about 45 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 11529.9, Oct 15 at 2219, JBA presumed Hikari FM, pirate supposedly in Sonora next to Arizona, also reported about every day at wide hours by Rick Barton, AZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17855, Tue Oct 15 it`s Sefarad/Ladino day on SNR at 2200, VG S9+20/30 direct and also not off the air on 17715, 15520 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17855, Wed Oct 16 at 2200, token English from SNR, good direct and better than 17715, 15520; 15390 still AWOL. Missed interview topic but at 2219 ``near the end`` so contact info mixed with brief mailbagish acknowledgements to several listeners, until 2221, then music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785.006+, Oct 15 at 2200, VOT s/on, S9+10/20 direct with some flutter. 2234 into UTwente when measured, VG S9+45, `Weekly Commentary` ending at 2235, music. 2240 `Turkey`s Geomarked Products` about mincemeat, music. 2251 multi-lingual ID filler reel. 2253 s/off as if it`s the 1230 on 17620. Something`s always awry at Ankara. 2254 IS briefly to chop 2254.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785.014-, Oct 16 at *2200.4 direct, JBA signal cuts on but off by 2202* so assuming VOT in another try-but-fail. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler. However, recheck at 2216, now it`s on at S9+10/20 but insufficient vs noise level; and into UTwente at 2233 when measured, higher offset than usual, maybe different transmitter, S9+5/15 even there instead of usual blaster, poor and ``hollow`` sounding (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2264 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday October 15 at 2330 on SW Gold Radio, Germany, 3975.00+, S9/+15 into UTwente. Also confirmed Tuesday October 15 at 2330 on WRMI 9395 S9+30/35 into Georgia SDR. Also confirmed Wednesday October 16 at 1930 on SW Gold Radio, Germany, 6160.004+ into UTwente by time recording, axually tuned early at 1813 when measured and S9/+10, also 3975.005- at S+5 but not checked at 1930. Missed checking Wed Oct 16 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490-; anyone hear it? Next: 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160. Thanks this week to John Spicer, ``You put your life into this and I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts. I really enjoy your show and the updates in print and radio`` with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Re my 17665, Oct 15 at 1442: ``On Wed Oct 16, NOTHING on 17665 kHz channel at 1308 nor at 1453 UT today. 73 wolfie df5sx`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2348 UT October 16