** BRAZIL. 28270.5 CW, Sept 18 at 2204, only beacon heard is dash VVV PY4MAB. Higher on 28 MHz, only one unID phoner in quick scan. WGB list: ``28270.5 PY4MAB - Poços de Caldas MG BRA GG68re - #0/1/3 (14 Sept 2024) Note: VVV ID + grid + BCN + 5" carr. Cobra 142 gtl mod. ant vert 10w`` - QRZ.com: ``PY4MAB Brazil flag Brazil, MAURICIO BERALDO, LUIZ ZANGIACOMI 145, POÇOS DE CALDAS MG ZIP CODE 37704-274, MG, Brazil`` https://www.qrz.com/db/PY4MAB includes brief biography, linx to social media, huge photo gallery of equipment, the city, wildlife, nary a human, and: ``I have a Radio Beacon on the frequency of 28.270.5 CW, 24 hours a day, vertical antenna, 10 watts of power. In 2020 it will be 10 years since Beacon is on the air. Whoever receives the signals and sends me a confirmation by letter I will respond to everyone and send a special QSL card from my city.`` As name implies, city is known for its hot springs (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA [and non?]. 800, Sept 18 at 0635 UT, KQCV OKC again tonight with continuous QRM, extremely distorted seems like music, right on same frequency only. Does not match anything on 780, 790, 810 or 820. This time I DF it with the altazimuth wrist-mounted DX-398: peaks NNW/SSE at same angle as KQCV. Possibly out of KQCV itself, but again no sign of it in daytime check after 1430. Is anyone else hearing this? Based on DF alone, but a few possibilities: CHAB Moose Jaw SK, WSHO New Orleans LA, XEQT Veracruz -- but none of them very likely by power and distance. CHAB & WSHO are OK in remote daytime chex 1745. How about PJB? Own Bonaire SDR tied up as often. Next time I should check remotes when I am hearing that, especially the one in OKC (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** SAUDI ARABIA [non?]. 11936.143+, Sept 18 at 1806, very rapid chirping vs Yemen service, S9+20. Jamming from Iran? UTwente flails to lock onto when tuned to 11935, but finally stix here when tuned to 11936.00 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17855, Wed Sept 18 at 2201, token English from SNR, S9+30/40 direct, 2202 news, something about democratic reforms proposed, such as decriminalizing insulting royalty. 2212 check, 17715 back to weaker than 17855 since it`s toward S America, but today is also fluttechoey unlike the others: 15520 sufficient and 15390 still AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785.005, Sept 18 at *2200.3, VOT carrier cuts on late, dead air at first and powering up from S8 to S9+20 as monitored direct; 2201 brings up modulation as olds is starting. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler. Recheck 2214 ending `Review of the Turkish Press`, into a new segment I had not heard before, about inventions; starting with assassination of Chicago Mayor Harrison on 28 October 1893. This led to improvements in body protexion: steel armor and shields obsolete. Something about a Polish immigrant`s work. Dr. George E. Goodfellow discovered that someone avoided death because a bullet hit his handkerchief in pocket, and this led to bulletproof vest invention, as he demonstrated by having an assistant fire at him point-blank. Never explained materials made of, kevlar never mentioned! But show outro as `Unscripted Twists of Fate` -? or more likely, `Unexpected-`? 2222 music. 2233 recheck into UTwente when measured, S9+45, more music. 2238 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, `Sports Panorama`. 2247 music. 2252 s/off as if on 17620 at 1230. 2253 IS. 2256 restart IS with German IDs. 2300 ~correct timesignal and s/on German, 2301 Alten to 2302.6* chop. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. Sept 18 at 0645-0651 UT, MW NDB bandscan hits a lot of intriguing JBA carriers, but no IDs audible, still plenty of storm noise. From RNA listings and previous monitoring experience, I guess them to be: 305, RO, Roswell NM, 400 watts 326, MA, Midland TX, 400 watts 338, TU, Tulsa OK, ``0`` watts 344, JL, Joplin MO, ``0`` watts 346, YXL, Sioux Lookout ON, 500 watts 359, SDR, Snyder TX, 25 watts, but off? 379, RUE, Russellville AR, 25 watts, ``RU`` 384, JB, Lumberton NC, 0 watts, only listed, doubtful 385, HO, Hot Springs AR, 50 watts 404, HU, Hutchinson KS, 25 watts 407, HRU, Herington KS, 25 watts 420, FQ, Fairmont MN; PK Olathe/Herbb KS; or TU Tupelo MS, each 25 watts Only ID copied this session at 0650: 395, CA, Newton/Harvs KS, 25 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2260 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday September 17 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S9+15 into Maryland SDR. Also confirmed Tuesday September 17 at 2331 on Shortwave Gold Radio, Germany, 3975.002+, JBA S7/S8 noisy into UTwente. Also confirmed Wednesday September 18 at 1930 on SW Gold Radio, Germany, 6160.001+ at S9+10/15 and 3975.003 also at S9+10/15 into UTwente. Also confirmed Wednesday September 18 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490 -74 Hz = 7489.926, S9+15 into NH SDR. Next: 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160. As a non-commercial service, voluntary financial support appreciated. Thanks this week for a contribution via PayPal in US funds but not necessarily to woradio at yahoo.com, ``Pleased to once again express my appreciation and admiration. 73, peace, and good health de Jim Gershman, K1JJJ in Rhode Island!`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank in US funds to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1530, Sept 18 at 0653 UT, Mexmx mixing with WCKY, unusual. 0654 phone number in Spanish starting with AC 512, which is San Antonio TX area - or was as I well remember from living there, but it shrank in 1992 to Austin area. And on the altazimuth wrist-mounted DX398, DF SSW almost fits for that, really closer to due south. 0659 and again at 0700, IDs as ``La Raza 95.1``. Therefore per NRC AM Log, it`s KZNX, Creedmoor TX, U7 10000/220/1000/55 watts, address in El Paso, but that`s the group HQ. Creedmoor is not even indexed in my road atlas. It`s 15 miles south of Austin, 2020 census population 434. What do you bet it`s not on 220 watt night power? KZNX last logged April 8 during Total Solar Eclipse. You might expect a TX 1530 in Spanish would be KGBT Harlingen, U8 50/10/50 kW, but night pattern disfavors the north, main lobe ESE into GOM, and it`s TUDN sports (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 0005 UT September 19