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Monitoring from Brasil 26-31/08/2024   
Saturday, August 31 2024

** 5952kHz, R. Pio XII (TENT), BOL; 30-31/08, noticed known het, checks at 2308, 0022, 0032, 0045 but at 0050-0052 mx was audible; at certain times slot something could be heard interspersed with just noise, so at 0059-0102 YL talks, 0106-0117 YL and folk mx, 0120-0126 talks and folk mx, 0130-0131 OM and YL talks; 0138-0148 s/off and return in few seconds 7 times and something audible, 0148-0207 OM and Yl talks, signal getting poor. Unreadable, language not detected, 0050-0148=13322, 0148-0207=13311 (LOB).  

** 7535kHzkHz, RCW, CHL; 26-27/08, 2358-0007 YL ID, mx, time pips, OM “Radio Compañia Worlwide”. 25322.
- 28/08, 2324-2334 OM, YL seems ads, nx px Radiograma of R. Bio Bio. Couldn’t understand a complete sentence due to fading, 35322; //6925 but the signal was very bad, strong ham QRM (LOB).

** 4940kHz, Estación 4940, VEN/CLM; 27/08, 0839-0850 “Strangers In The Night” instr. version mx, OM. 25332.
- 31/08, 0912-0930 OM, 0926 instr. mx, singing mx. Fluttery, 25322 (LOB).

** 4810kHz, R. Logos, PRU; 30/08, 0000-0014 OM, folk mx, canned OM. Tune in 4808 to avoid STANAG, 12321, at 0006=22322 (LOB).
- 31/08, 0938-0945 mx. Smooth STANAG and poor signal, 12322 (LOB).

** 4820kHzkHz, R. Senda Cristiana, PRU; 28/08, 0954-0959 OM quéchua. 35333.
- 30/08, 0931-0938 OM, YL quéchua. 35343, at 0934=32342, sporadic ham QRM, (LOB).

** 4775kHz, R. Tarma, PRU; 28/08, 1000-1003 folk mx, OM ID SS “ queridos oyentes...onda corta...Tarma, Peru...ahora comesamos a trabajar”. 25323 (LOB).  

** 4955kHz, R. Cultura Amauta, PRU; 28-29/08, 2357-0002 OM, YL, s/off at 0002. Long and deep fades, 35423 (LOB).

** 3310kHz, R. Mosoj Chaski, BOL; 28-29/08, 2350-0006 YL quéchua, folk mx, OM ID SS “onda corta...90 metros”. 45333.
-30/08, 0926-0930 folk mx, OM quéchua. 45444 (LOB).

** 7260kHz, R. Vanuatu, VUT; 27/08, 0832-0836 YL, OM. 45444.
- 28/08, 0917-0921 YL. 45444.
- 29/08, 0922-0926 OM outside. 45444.
- 30/08, all Fq off at 0858.
- 31/08, all Fq off at 0900 (LOB).

** 5020kHz, SIBC, SLM; 27/08, checks at 0838, 0855, 0938, 0949 carrier on, mod. off.
- 28/08, 0855-0900 island mx. Fluttery, 35433.
- 29/08, 0928-0932 pop mx, YL. 35333.
- 30/08, 0900-0906 YL, OM EE “information...education...”. 35333.
- 31/08, 0904-0911 OM, YL EE conversation. 45333 (LOB). 

**  7290kHz, R. RRI Nabire Pro 1, INS; 28/08, 0901–0914 YL seems islamic segment. 15332 (LOB).

** 3480kHz, R. Voice Of The People, KOR; 28/08, 0922-0924 YL. No KRE jamming aud., 25322.
** 3910kHz; 28/08, 0925-0927 YL, mx, eloquent YL, OM. Smooth KRE jamming aud., 33333.
** 3930kHz; 28/08, 0927-0930 OM. Smooth KRE jamming aud., 33343.
** 4450kHz; off (in the aud. time slot for me, around 0900-1000) CODAR aud., no KRE jamming aud.
** 4560kHz; 28/08, 0934-0937 OM. KRE jamming is not listed (by Aoki list) on this Fq and not aud., 35333.
** 6520kHz and 6600kHz off (in the aud. time slot for me, around 0900-1000) KRE jamming aud. (LOB).

** 3985kHz, Echo Of Hope, KOR; 28/08, 0930-0933 OM. Smooth KRE jamming aud., 33343.
** 5995kHz; 30/08, OM KK. Smooth KRE jamming aud., 43444.
** 6350kHz; 28/08, 0941-0944 OM. No KRE jamming aud., 45344.
** 4885kHz, 6250kHz, 7720kHz off (in the time aud. slot. for me, around 0900-1000) KRE jamming aud in all Fq. (LOB).

** 6100kHz, KCBS Pyongyang, KRE; 28/08, 0946-0951 female singer mx, YL, instr. mx, choral mx. Metal noise with rapid variations in intensity QRM, but doesn’t cover the mod., 32432.
- 29/08, check 0935 same metal noise QRM. ** 11860kHz; 28-29-30/08, check around 0945 same noise running some days ago (sounding like electrified wire giving off sparks) and mod. underneath, //6100 (LOB).

** 3925kHz, R. Nikkei, J; 30/08, 0917-0922 OM. //6055, 25332 (LOB).

** 4965kHz, Voice Of Hope Africa, ZMB; 26/08, 2052-2101 piano mx, instr. rock mx, at 2100 ID & Fq, end broadcast signal. 44434 (LOB).

** 5995kHz, R. Mali, MLI; 26/08, 2229-2238 African percussion mx, OM FF seems nx px, outside tks. Some het, 33433 (LOB).

** 11785kHz, Voice Of Turkey, TUR; 26/08, check at 2219 off. 
- 27/08, 2222-2232 YL, mx. Strong 11780 QRM, 21432 (LOB).

Tecsun PL380 ET
Dipole 18m
QTH: Embu SP Brasil 
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Monitoring from Brasil 26-31/08/2024 | 0 comments |
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