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kSDR logs: 8/7 including mysterioys signal   
Thursday, July 11 2024

3945  Vanuatu  with nice signal at -90@VK2GGC  /-80 @VK2AAK  with a lively “hilife “  pidgin song singing in island on 0830 ID by YL
Nothing on the 7200-7300  kHz this time  0830   !!! Nabire heard poor at past 09 with its typical imam before and after the ToH
4970 R 567  with songs  of the 50s
4835  SW Australia  with a ongy sound that seems coming frm bells low audio quality transmission
5020  also Solomons with great reception (-80dbm ) on 0834  and old country rock song
9817.793    R 9 Julho  1421  with “local” signal at -73dbm in S Bernadro SDR with “ora de familia”  program . lots of announcements  then with a religious song by male singer.
6150  Radio Saturno ID at 1424  followed with a drum song S/B SDR6037.6  mysterious  signal 1442  in only c+USB, though there  is no carrier!  with a talks between  two persons. Awful modulation  There was a mention  of saturno and Brazil  but was not //6150 The  person is very enthused talking halleluiah S/B SDR Listen . Many times the signal is also over overloaded  . The station found on 15 to ID as  “Voz missionaria ”  with intl news on 1501  mentioning the British and the French election situation is headlines  There is also another spur on ca 5842 using a LSB mode design as shown below in the picture with the two reed arrows int he opposite parts of the picture

this is the final part of the post in https://zliangaslogs.wordpress.com/2024/07/08/ksdr-logs-1-8-7/

Zacharias Liangas
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages 
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