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Glenn Hauser logs July 9-10, 2024   
Thursday, July 11 2024

** CUBA. 11950, July 10 at 0005, RHC English, VG S9+10 and even VG
modulation into Peoria IL SDR. NO other RHCs found on 15, 11, 9 or 6
MHz bands except 9650 much weaker S4/S7 in Spanish. The other side:

The regime is more dedicated to punishing dissidents than protecting
Cuba’s women and girls --- Several cases of femicide and sexual abuse
reveal a pattern of failing to protect victims, in stark contrast to
the system's expeditious retaliation against Cubans who criticize the
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORFOLK ISLAND. 28460 USB, July 10 at 2209, first phone station I
find on 10m is VK9DX, Nick, calling QRZ, CQ, at S9 making quick
contacts with US stations, none audible here, way too close for long
F2 skip. Hard to copy their calls but I think includiing KQ4ROO and at
2214, N5XZ. Nothing mentioned about possibly resuming his broadcasts
on 5045; so long since the last one that not shown in Aoki or EiBi,
just the other Oz, Bay Islands Radio, Queensland (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** OKLAHOMA. 100.3, July 10 at 0201 UT, hunting for Es again without
results, but very brief fade up and out with ID, ``KWEY AM
Weatherford``. That`s a translator of the 1590 station which is tough
here due to direxional pattern, more likely to hear KVGB Great Bend
K262CW relays:KWEY-1590 100.3 WEATHERFORD OK 0.25 kW 106.0 m 35-33-03
98-43-57 ----     KWEYAM.COM COYOTE CLASSIC COUNTRY 122 km/76 stmi.
Shortly f/in with Dos Equis ad in English, and ``copyright 2024``,
which you never hear on any other commercial (Glenn Hauser, Enid,

** OKLAHOMA. Area tropo is up on APRS map, from Kansas to OKC, July 10
at 1513 UT, allowing decodes from normally invisible OKCs:
RF 14, 48-3, KOCY with Estrella TV bug, JBV in lower right, Spanish;
RF 20, 42-1, KBZC-LD with tennis;
RF 34, 33-1, KWRW-LD.
Rabbitears.info shows KBZC-LD, 7 kW ERP, with 7 channels, two of them
blank, starting with 42-1 Visión Latina. KWRW-LD, 15 kW ERP, with 7
channels, starting with Heartland on 33-1. And KOCY-LD, 15 kW ERP,
only as 48-3. We used to be able to see it a lot more when it was
really on analog 48.

At first NO signal on RF 17, then local K17JN-D, mis-ID as ``K17JI-D``
recovers from DX QRM with 3ABN panoply. Also BAD signals on RF: 12,
21, 22, 28, 31, 35, 36 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, Wed July 10, token English from SNR, VG direct and
well audible also on 15520, 17715, 15390; preview to be about homes
for refugees. 2201 news leads with Spain in Euro24 finals vs France,
apparently some silly ballgames; then quick clip of Pres. Biden at
NATO summit. 2217 discussing LGBTQ asylum seekers from persecution of
their gender identity (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TINIAN. Checking out USAGM site as A24 scheduled in HFCC,
whether it`s been closed? July 10 into Thailand SDR: 0027, 15200 is on
in Lao. *0030 and 0115, 15700 in Myanmarianese. 0116, 17670 JBA
carrier, Bod/Tibetan scheduled. 0300, 11570 sked in Cmn, no signal.
Others might check out rest of original schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** TURKEY. 9870.008, July 10 at 0047, VOT with music, VG S9+30 into
UTwente; 0049 LusoPort ID, music. 0052 s/off gives time of broadcast
as 22h in Turkey, 20h in Portugal, and ??h in Brasil, one of three
timezones? So they think it`s at 19 UT. Heavily accented very rapid
announcement of many satellite frequencies, nothing about SW at this
or any other time. Probably like this:
where I don`t find anything about TIMES. Anyhow, I`m confirming that
ops are ``normal`` now, despite absence of English at 22-23 on 11785.
0054 IS; 0056 restart IS with Spanish IDs and 0100 timesignal and
Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785.009, July 10 at 2200, VOT English is not off the air,
having just come on, S9+10/20 direct and equal to or somewhat stronger
than neighbors 11780 Brasil, 11800 Romania, unusual. At 2236 into
UTwente when measured, S9+50/55, about a wrestling festival? until
2239 outro `Sports Panorama`, 2240 songs, 2250 multi-lingual ID filler
reel; 2252 s/off ignoring SW; 2253.6 IS, 2256 restart IS with German
IDs until chop at 2258.5*. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2250 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday
July 9 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S8/S9 into Peoria IL SDR.

Also confirmed Tuesday July 9 at 2330 on SW Gold Radio, Germany,
3975.003, S9 into UTwente.

Also confirmed Wednesday July 10 at 1930 on SW Gold Radio, Germany,
6160.000 at S8/9+10, and 3975.004 at S7/S9 into UTwente.

Also confirmed Wednesday July 10 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490 -70 Hz =
7489.930, VG S9/+5 into NH SDR. Next:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160.

As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated. Many thanks
this week for a very generous contribution via PayPal to woradio at
yahoo.com from Peter Robinson, Preston UK, who says, ``thanks for the
DX and SWL updates - much appreciated.``

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9955, Wed July 10 at 0643, WRMI still on, S9 direct, but not
RFI Spanish relay this time; rather, music fill, seems E European or
Greek folk, accordion, flute; 0648 switch to a totally different song.
0659 heartfelt song, language unID. 0700 no ID, but as always, Polish
Radio External Service in English as sked on WRN. Still on at recheck
after 1400 unlike yesterday when already off at 1322, lacking WORLD OF
RADIO (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5130, WBCQ: I can`t help but notice that altho there is a
funxional transmitter for this frequency, available for lease as
demonstrated on `AAAWWW` July 6, there has been no resumption of
``Radio *rump International``, or `A*ATT` in the meantime. It remains
silent. Can it possibly be that A&A have recovered from their
delusions? Haven`t heard them lately rant about ``our president``,
``communist Democrats`` either (Glenn Hauser, July 10, WOR)

** VANUATU. 9960, July 10 at 0645, JBA carrier from RV, no match for
9955 WRMI this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11880, July 10 at 0654, big open carrier S9+25, off at
0657 recheck. Suspect VOA Grimesland test, as 11880 has Korea relay at
0100. Is SSOB by far and almost OSOB besides JBA 11700 France. Cuba
has also used 11880 in the past, not at this hour nor on current
nominal sked (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2353 UT July 10


Glenn Hauser logs July 9-10, 2024 | 0 comments |
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