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Unique Radio, Australia Presents Jen's 4th July Bash, With GB's The British Are Coming show on Sun UT 1800 to 2200 plus   
Sunday, July 07 2024


Subject: Unique Radio, Australia Presents Jen's 4th July Bash, With GB's The British are coming show on Sun UT 1800 to 2200 plus

Hi Glenn, I hope you had a nice 4th. Thanks.

Sun July 7th 1800 to 2200 UT plus is my July 4th Bash ...
with GB's 4th July British Progressive Rock Show 2024

Throughout the live cast will be interspersed with selections from the soundtrack to "1776 The Musical'' & other USA goodies, plus my All American R & R Real Deal Firecracker of a show.

So start the post 4th with a Bang.

GB's Cast begins at 1820 then 1hr & 20min hours later I take over.

So Join US -


We`re live on our digital stream. Also join us in our chat room.
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click on connect, then web chat
Please put in the following:
For nick: name or like me radionutresss
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For Q & A Please use JenUR@proton.me

So I hope to see you there.
Jen & GB
33" & 73''

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Unique Radio, Australia Presents Jen's 4th July Bash, With GB's The British Are Coming show on Sun UT 1800 to 2200 plus | 0 comments |
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