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Glenn Hauser logs June 14-15, 2024   
Sunday, June 16 2024


Log after 15 UT Sunday June 16

15230even CUB RHC Spanish, much, much, distorted audio
modulation, destroyed audio, S=7 in Edmonton-AB-CAN remotedly
Perseus unit, Spanish morning sce towards Brazil / ARG target.
15.05 UT.

13605even USA USAGM Greenville-NC-USA relay outlet in Spanish
of R Marti propaganda program, 13-21 UT at 15.12 UT, S=9+5dB.

13649.984 kHz UAW R Prague Russian sce via Abu Dhabi Media at
Al Dhabbayya relay site, to all Russia up to Far East oblasts.
S=9+10dB sidelobe into Alberta-CAN. 15.15 UT on Sun June 16.

13760.017 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang 200 kW outlet
in English, orchestra mx program at 15.17 UT. S=9+25dB in Alberta.

13810 CHN mainland, CNR1 jamming against
13809.898 kHz TJK of USAGM RFA Mandarin sce via Orzu(?) relay
site S=9+30dB in Edmonton-AB-CAN remotedly, 15.19 UT.

11984.975 kHz MRA USAGM Marianas Saipan Agingan Point relay
USAGM RFA Korean program, at 15.20 UT, S=9+30dB.

11879.972 kHz SWZ E'Swatini news country name, TWR Africa from
Manzini relay site in E'Swatini country, always odd fqys, 15.32 UT
scheduled Somali 15.30-15.45 UT. Fair S=8 sidelobe into Canada.

11765.011 TUR TRT Emirler in Pashto, S=8 in CAN, at 15.33 UT.

11675even CHINA mainland CNR1 Mandarin jamming 15-16 UT
11674.974 kHz odd fqy of MRA USAGM Saipan Agingan Point
relay site, S=9+20dB. RFA Mandarin progr.

11644.971 KRE Voice of Korea - North, from Kujang
200 kW relay shortwave site, Arabic signal sidelobe into Edmonton
AB_CAN remotedly, S=9+10dB at 15.39 UT.

11640.010 IRN IRIB Sirjan bcast center English outlet, 15.20-16.20 UT,
poor tiny S=6-7 signal at 15.41 UT on Sunday June 16.
Much low audio modulation though.

11530.012 kHz TUR TRt Emirler anti Kurdistan jamming program
of Turkish Edorgan security forces department, S=8 at 15.43 UT
against fqy nearby 25 band outlet of
11514.997 kHz 'Denge Gel' Kurdish SW radio, rent via - probably
- new ARM Yerevan Gavar bcast center these A-24 season days.
S=6 at 15.45 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 16)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: DF5SX@darc.de

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 14-15, 2024

BAD propagation signals noted today.

Sunday June 16 morning log in Detroit MI and Doha Qatar ME
on worldwide Perseus-net installations:

re Brazil, yes monitoring Rádio Voz Missionaria at 05.45 UT
reveals no txion on air on SW channels this morning,
5940v, 9665v, nor 11749v kHz on air at present.

CUBA 5024.991 kHz the one and ONLY Cuban SW stn
in 60 meterband at 05.50 UT, Radio Rebelde fine selection
of Latin AM culture music sound.

6000even kHz, suffering signal of RHC English this morning,
LOW modulation of though strong S=9+15dB carrier level
' couldn't understand program content meaning ...'
very bad Cuban SW radio service these days. 05.54 UT June 16.

Osmanic - Kurdistan national radio world in 25 mb this morning
11529.991 Denge Gel Kurdish national SW voice, talk by mens
at 06.03 UT, S=9+15dB signal of - probably - Yerevan Gavar bcast
center relay in A24 season, instead of Tashkent-UZB usage
in B-23 season.
- Accompanied by
11510.006 TURKEY Pres Erdogans security voice JAMMING
against Kurdish culture radio, also S=9+15dB signal fair level
in Doha Qatar SDR remotedly. Singer group, string instrument
mx and Near East like flute mx, 06.07 UT on Sunday June 16.

VATICAN STATE 9710even and 11815.003 kHz Vatican Radio
mass in Ukrainian at 06.05-07.00 scheduled, noted S=9 even
in Midlle East Qatar area, 06.07 and 06.20 UT from Santa Maria
di Galeria SW center, located north of Rome.

11620even ROU RRI German morning sce from Tiganesti site,
S=9 signal level in Qatar SDR unit, at 06.12 UT.

11655even GERMANY BVB Canadian religious program in
Arabic via MBR Nauen relay site, S=9 at 06.13 UT, noted in
Doha Qatar.

11730.009 kHz IRAN IRIB Dari language sce towards AFG/PAK
and eastern Iran border target, low modulated audio sound,
BUT S=9+40dB powerhouse signal from Sirjan bcast center
noted in Qatar remotedly, at 06.14 UT on Sun June 16.

11745.012 kHz SAUDI ARABIA Al-Azm army radio in Arabic,
talk and followed by HQ muslim music, ONLY poor S=8
on nearby Qatar target backlobe of ARS transmission.
Top excellent audio quality to mention, no BUZZ
suffering today morning sce.

11935even only fair S=8 signal from Riyadh, R Sanaa excile
Arabic program, no audio or whistle/buzz disturbtion
today, fine audio quality program, HQ singer at 06.20 UT.

13635.008 TUR TRT Turkish morning sce at 06 - 13 UTC,
noted like modern pop mx theme at 06.23 UT from Emirler.
S=9+5dB signal in Doha Qatar SDR receiver unit remotedly.

13690.012 NEW ZEALAND is scheduled here on that channel
at 05.59-09.58 UT, only weak and poor signal of S=7 into
sidelobe target at Middle East in Qatar, at 06.27 UT June 16.
{check 17900 kHz these days for TEST new Ampegon transmitter
at Rangitaiki gear for staff training, ed.}

13770even CHINA CNR7 Radio 'The Great Bay' in Cantonese
the 500 kW powerhouse of China mainland in 22 meterband
S=9+30dB at 06.29 UT noted in Doha Qatar remotedly.

15120.010 IRAn IRIB Sirjan West African target morning sce
in Hausa language S=9+5dB sidelobe into Qatar, noted
remotedly at 06.32 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 16)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX

Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 12:47 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 14-15, 2024

BRAZIL [non]. 9665v, June 15 circa 0630, NO signal from RVM. If
anything beyond USA be audible on 31m this hour, it`s normally RVM.
Suspect it be off. At 1442, JBA carrier, likely CHINA, CNR5.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

TURKEY. 11785.009, June 15 at 2210, NO signal direct from VOT
English; nor even unto UTwente checked at 2210, nor on
previous/possible accidental/alternates, 11795 or 9875. Something`s
always erroneous at Emirler.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2247 UT June 15
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