Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - [SDXF] Kostnadsfri hobbysändar- och piratlista - [WOR] Australian DX News items, June - [SDXF] Melleruds Nyheter om DX-Parlamentet - [SDXF] Årets DX-Parlament blev en varm historia - [SDXF] Bill Whitacres föredrag från DX-Parlamentet 2024 - SWL Contest 2024 - Antenna Noise Blanker NR-1, SV3ORA - Tropical Bands Monitor 2024, DSWCI, Anker Petersen - Ein neuer Empfänger, Bezeichnung Raddy RF919. A-DX Fernempfang - ADS Antenna-Disconnect-Switch. Christoph Ratzer - AM radio listeners set to be permanently tuned out in Japan. JAPAN TODAY - The final death of CQ Magazine - 99-CENT ?PACIFIC ODYSSEY? WEEK IS HERE! Ralph Perry - [nordx] Torsten "Tosso" Söderström in memoriam - [SDR-Radio] Airspy Ranger specifications - FURUNO RH1-1 Radio Receiver Made in 1975, eBay - Pfitzner - Teletron type TE712B, eBay - LEGO?s buildable Retro Radio actually plays music thanks to a sound brick. SWLing Post - SAQ celebrates 100 years on Alexanderson Day 2024. - [RUS-DX] A mysterious radio signal is repeated in space every hour: it defies explanation. - DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund https://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2056.pdf