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Glenn Hauser logs April 16, 2024   
Wednesday, April 17 2024

** CUBA. 15140, Apr 16 at 1415, RHC Spanish flanked by diffuse
spurblobs about plus/minus 3.5 kHz, and a weaker pair +/- 7~ kHz.
15230 also on, S5/S7 but suptorted = modulation suppressed and
distorted. Somethings` always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 9880, Apr 16 at 2220, S8/S9 with flutter hard to
read at first seems English intonation, then Esperanto, which is
what`s listed this hour from CRI via Kashi-Saiba (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** MADAGASCAR. 15440, Apr 16 at 1458, good signal in unID lang until
1459*. Aoki shows TWR Asia via Talata in Urdu at 1430-1500 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MALI. 5995, Apr 16 at 0654, ORTM with music modulation instead of
noiseblob like last night; vs high storm noise level from nearby - a
bit earlier we had a lite hailstorm (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAIPAN [and non]. 11894.945 approx., Apr 16 at 0649, S5/S7 direct,
at first unseems Chinese, then it does seem. RFA sked at 0300-0700,
surely jammed, but this may have a propagational advantage and more
likely to be off-frequency. However, per Aoki, also on 11895 is CRI
English via East Turkistan at 05-09. The SSOB except for similar
signal on 12065, BBC Hausa via ASCENSION (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11935, Apr 16 at 1508 check direct, S3/S4 of roar but
sounds loud. SAWA Riyadh. BTW, in ** country headers I dispense with
diacritix in order not to confuse searching, but within an item I will
spell it like Sa`udi Arabia; Qur`an, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TINIAN [non?]. 13795, Apr 16 at 1432, Chinese, S3/S7 with flutter.
RFA Cantonese this hour only. So if really Mandarin instead, would be
CNR1 *jammer. However, are the Chicom less thoro in jamming minority
langs other than Tibetan? Only one signal audible (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** TURKEY. 11785.010, Apr 16 standing by direct for TRT signal, not
cut on until a few sex past 2200, some dead air, JIP programming.
Something`s always erroneous at Emirler, mentions `Turkey`s Geomarked
[sic] Products`, evidently a program preview and into headlines. S9+20
with flutter, ACI from 11780 Brasil unless USB tuning. By 2222 I
notice lots of Doppler flutter on 11785, i.e. propagation-caused
frequency wobbling/instability. 2250 into UTwente, more stable when
measured in music, but more up-and-down fading than sidewise. 2252
``always-by-your-side`` promo. 2253 badax s/off for the 1230 on 17620
only. 2254 IS. 2256 pause and restart IS, now with German ID heard
once just before chopoff* ahead of 2257.

BTW, VOT has been notifying German and English listeners, at least,
about a planned maintenance break at Emirler for Thursday April 18 at
06-15 UT, as Paul Gager in Austria reports to BDXC-UK on April 15: ``I
heard on Monday after the TRT-news in English: `and we have an
announcement because of attendance(?)/repair works on our transmitter
on April 18, our English broadcast will not be available from 9 am to
6 pm on Thursday on shortwave``` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2238 monitoring: still confirmed UT
Tuesday April 16 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, despite disappearing from the
sked grid and also still there last week; S7/9+5 into Louisiana SDR.

Also confirmed Tuesday April 16 at 1300 on WRMI 9955, only S5/S7
direct including heavier than usual Commie Cuban pulse jamming. Next:

** U S A. 4840, Apr 16 at 0650, S9+45 of dead air from WWCR-3 instead
of TOMBS. Std remark about no one at station paying attention, yet
again - and not even a squeal to make it a bit more interesting: that
may require some attempt at modulation to set it off (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 15825, Apr 16 at 1502, JBA carrier from WWCR-1. Usually more
than that; conditions must be depressed. But lower channels are
progressively stronger. 13845 at only S5/S7 but typically indicating
the MUF somewhere between 14 and 16 MHz; 12160 S9 with squeal; 9980
S9+25 with a bit o` squeal. When 15825 inbooms at its one-megameter
distance, we know it has to be sporadic E, even if it never reach the
TV or FM bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9350, Apr 16 at 2216, WWCR-2, S9+20/30 gospelhuxterism with
squeal, same transmitter as on 7490, 12160, 5935 at other dayparts.
Something`s noxious in Nashville (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9475, Apr 16 at 2217, WTWW S9+40/50 direct with love song,
seemingly secular, then into a Native American singer; is there a
specific program schedule? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2321 UT April 16
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Glenn Hauser logs April 16, 2024 | 0 comments |
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