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Glenn Hauser logs March 26, 2024   
Wednesday, March 27 2024

** BRAZIL. Stephen Luce, Houston TX, replies to my previous report:
``Glenn, checking the Brasília Kiwi SDR around 0330 UT March 26 I’m
hearing R. Voz Missionária on both 5940 and 11750 with good signal
levels, but nothing on 9665``

Precise frequencies would be helpful. At 1723 I check the ``Brasila``
SDR: only S3 on 5940.110; S5/S6 on 9664.998; S5/S7 on 11750.132, all
// with screaming gospel huxter. Closely calibrated: on same, WWVH
15000 JBA ranging -1 to +3 Hz, no doubt instability of rx or prop, not
WWVH (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 15140, March 26 at 1940, RHC English VP with
squeal, S3 into Maryland SDR, waterfall showing squeals about 15137.3
and lesser at 15142.7. USB tuning might have helped except there is
much stronger S7/S9+5 Chinese traditional music on 15145, Firedragon
jamming? nothing listed there by Aoki & EiBi between 0800 and 0630,
nor trace of target. As expected, cuts off at 2000* sharp, never
announcement nor timesignal. 15140 better by 2030, RHC going from
French to Portuguese. Still with squeals, not only +/- 2.6 kHz, but
weaker ones about 5.2 around 15134.8 and 15145.2.

I`m checking 15140 because David Crawford, FL, just told me: ``The
Bauta Squealer is in full bloom today (1805Z) --- The RHC carrier freq
is the usual 15140. The diagonal voids are ionospheric fades sweeping
across the freqs. The good high-power Bauta tx is on HM01 duty today.
-- David E. Crawford, Indian River City, Florida`` (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. UTwente at 1620 March 26 is getting Arabic
on 11935 - the frequency which had been that horrible noise, believed
to be Sa`udi with the Rep of Yemen Radio. Is that it? EiBi also shows
Farda - Farsi until 1630 via Germany. Some other music underneath.
Vatican to start Arabic at 1630 on 11935. Glenn. Thread continues on
WOR iog:

``By 11935 kHz you mean what signal blob without carrier I had
ignored, believing it was a spur from some defective transmitter
operating elsewhere? Yes, something else, sounding like Arabic, too,
can now be heard in the background of the Vatican signal that provides
a carrier. So that could of course be a second Saudi shortwave
transmitter that is still active. Kai`` Ludwig, Germany, at 1638.

Yes, as I reported a number of times, the 11935 blob was the same as
previously on 11915, 11820, 11860 - where originally Rep of Yemen
relay was. Hardly to be ignored. Vatican Arabic did come on at 1629.5,
taking over UTwente. Vatican finished by 1730. At 1732, 11935 with
Qur`an in the clear. But is it Riyadh, and which program, Yemen`s or
not? Apparently SA has finally fixed that transmitter or changed to a
good one. Not // 11745 in Arabic.

Recheck UTwente at 1756, 11935, no signal but *1756 cuts on
immediately to the horrible buzzroar: it lives! past 1800+. So
something else on 11935 earlier, no roar. A few minutes qne hours
later, no signal direct on 11935, just not propagating, but still loud
to UTwente past 2038, 2243. Glenn

Kai Ludwig replies at 1858: ``I made the mistake to tune away from
11935 after 20 seconds or so. Could it be made out if The Buzz came up
with the same muezzin, i.e. the same programme feed? The question is
of course whether it is the same Saudi transmission, being handed over
to another transmitter.

Attached the last seconds of the good 11935 transmission until cutting
off at 1755. It had no faults, the described carrierless blob before
1700 was again something else.

Also attached a snippet of 11745 at 1800 top of the hour. Breaking up
audio as transmitted. The reference to Riyadh should be clear enough,
but no "Al-Azm" whatsoever, not in the whole period between 1756 and
1810 unless I overheard it. Instead some mentions of Al
Arabiya, for what it's worth, if anything.

And now I wonder if 11935 The Buzz is our good old friend from years
ago who, if I remember correct, at times splattered over hundreds of
kilohertz. If so it would mean that the Riyadh shortwave plant is
still alive. Kai``

*sic, confusing English: Even when referring to sound rather than
sight, the word is ``overlooked``. ``Overheard`` does not have a
parallel meaning, rather, hearing something by chance or when not
supposed to.

Further replies: ``Didn’t the Saudi Broadcasting Authority (ex-BSKSA)
install a number of new SW transmitters a few years back? I seem to
recall a number of discussions about that on various SW forums. Seems
odd that they would give up on the platform, unless they’ve determined
the audience has gone elsewhere. Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas``

``4 x new SW txs erected in Jeddah new antenna site a decade ago.
11935v, Saudi Riyadh faulty 9th TXitter unit, break / sudden
close-down at 1330 UT, S=9+40dB powerhouse signal in Doha Qatar
Perseus SDR unit, March 26. But another Saudi SW txion in 25

11745.008, Saudi Arab forces radio Al-Azm Radio from Jeddah site at
1332, S=9+25dB strength backlobe in Qatar SDR. Noted Arab Classical
singer program, like nice Egyptian classical from R Cairo in the
60ties. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb
df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 26)``

``Known for sure is the installation of four transmitters at Jeddah.

I don't remember any real information about Riyadh. The 70s vintage
transmitters could still be in operation there, considering the
resurfacing of that long known fault.

But first I would focus on identifying the programming that goes out
on the (just two, it seems) remaining outlets now. Kai``

``Saudi had three transmitter sites and now down to only one, which is
Riyadh. They plan to dismantle that and either move to a new site or
discontinue shortwave. This has not yet been decided. It's Ramadan
here so things are in a slight state of flux. Will know more after the
Eid holiday (after April 15). 73, Ed 7Z1ES, Riyadh`` (Glenn Hauser,

** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, March 26 from 2250, UTwente squelched
awaiting VOT to come on - can squelch level be adjusted? Keeps cutting
on and off with noise. Meanwhile, 9610 nice music presumably CNR
Mongolian, not VOT overrun in Italian, which has happened before.
*2300 abruptly on 5960: NOT VOT but Chinese! from XJRTV, EAST
TURKISTAN, which often doesn`t come up until about 2311 - and still no
VOT English on either frequency. About *2310 when I`m not listening
closely, VOT cuts on amid news; 2312 music and onward. 2317 `That`s
Why` repeat on smoking causing cancer. Something`s always
erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2235 monitoring: NOT confirmed UT
Tuesday March 26 at 0330 on WRMI 7780 because it`s OFF the air: no
signal into several remotes checked. It had also been AWOL yesterday.
By 0648, however, 7780 is on but JBA direct vs OG&E noise level of
S9+25! Now the afternoon of March 26, the OG&E guy has visited and is
on the case.

Confirmed Tuesday March 26 at 1305 the 1300 on WRMI 9955, S6/S9 direct
atop Cuban Commie jamming. Next:

2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1200 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1230 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB
[previous #2234][SW suspended but still streamed?]
1400 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]
2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975

As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated, by MO or
check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK
73702. Many thanks this week for a generous quarterly check
celebrating Equinox and Solstice, from Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC.

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9475, March 26 at 2253, WTWW is on with VG signal. George
McClintock says running 50 kW. Plans now are to run 20-22 UT with PPP,
22-24 with misc. programming; 00 switch to 5085 for Ancient Word
Radio, and extending to 0430 with religious music the extra half-hour
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2320 UT March 26


Glenn Hauser logs March 26, 2024 | 0 comments |
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