** EGYPT. 9440v, Mar 12 at 2228, no signal from R Cairo into UTwente. Earlier it had been reported active on 9900 during French. Something`s always egregious in Egypt (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** FRANCE. 21610-21615-21620, March 12 at 1556, DRM noise at S9 and nothing else on 13m band. It`s TDF ISS spanning 1530/1900 per EiBi (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** GUAM. 15215, March 12 at 2205, ``Silent Night`` in oriental language, S0/S2, Vietnamese as sked this hour from KSDA. Could it be the 7DA hint their saviour was really allegedly born in springtime, not that pagan winter solstice nonsense? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MALI. 17630, March 12 at 1557, American English discussion of AI, S7/S9 one of best signals on band. Therefore must be CRI as scheduled via Bamako toward E Africa. So this keeps Mali on SW despite absence lately of ORTM. The Malians ought to insist as part of the relay deal, the ChiCom keep their own transmitter working properly (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960.005, March 12 at 2300, VOT not off the air in English, VG S9+35/45 into UTwente as usual M announcer signs on the 1330 broadcast -- only, which is also often the only one mentioned at sign-off, and into news - or rather olds, no newer than 9.5 hours ago! Something`s always awry at Ankara (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 17680, after yesterday`s surprise appearance of R. Martí at 1939, checking earlier in the day March 12, not on before 1700, but on by 1744 recheck, probably from 1700, VG S9+15/25 signal into UTwente. It`s Spanish but all about Ukrussia rather than Cuba, first playing satirical folk?song in Ukrainian or Russian with Putin in the lyrix. 1746 RM 1180 ID. 1747 phone interview about topic A. 1755 VOA sounder and USG editorial, in Spanish, about you-know-what. 1800 contact info on social nets, email, and `Abriendo Espacios` show opening, half an hour about ``Cuban women`` but also really about Ukrussia, and lasts until 1842 IDs again. UTwente is getting nothing but carriers at best from 11860, 11930, 13820, as to be expected aimed at Cuba; checking Maryland remote, again totally non-// programming to 17680. Meanwhile a source at Grimesland says it`s a new service to reach Cubans fighting for Russia in Ukraine -- volunteers, or convicts? -- as if they had time or inclination to listen to RM! 250 kW at 45 degrees. Further listening to 17680 is nothing but topic-A in Spanish. 1849 repeating the VOA editorial. Interviewing native-Spanish speaking Ukrainians, 1857 a profesora Tatiana in Odesa; 2030 Anastasia Schmidt? from Mikolaiv, with some accent. At 1856 had mentioned podcasts, and that may be source of this audio, accounting for no breaks at top-of-hours as to be expected on a `live` broadcast. Would not be surprised at considerable repetition from hour to hour or day to day, but would have to listen a lot more to determine that. 2034 a very dramatic poem with music. 2036 discusses pronunciation of names correctly in Ukrainian versions rather than Russian. 2043 the stirring Ukrainian national anthem, not in Spanish. 2045 interview of Russlan -- enumerating Russian losses in the war. 2100 VOA Yankee Doodle Dandy s/ON, played twice, by mistake, pause, then 2102 VOA YDD s/OFF and off*. So 17-21 UT daily? Or temporarily (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2233 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday March 12 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S7/S9 into Maryland SDR, way offbeam but I happen to have running, and ``getouttamyfrequency`` utenoiseblast audible first 14 sex. Also confirmed Tuesday March 12 at 1300 [ex-1400] on WRMI 9955, S9 direct. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1200 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB 1230 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB [previous #2232][SW suspended but still streamed?] 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW, 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975 As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated, by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702. One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 15555 USB, March 12 at 2159, WJHR s/off with contact info accompanied by `Old Rugged Cross` tune, and off 2200. 9275 WMLK was also still on at 2159 but goone when I got back to it after 2200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. 750 kHz, March 12 at 0638 UT, two weak sigs mixing, one talk, one rock. Checking since WSB had been reported off. They make a SAH of 40/minute = 0.67 Hz apart. If on at full 50 kW U1, WSB should be dominant. Shortly the music morphs to talk? Some net talkshows do have music breaks. But *0647.8 what must be WSB cuts on with bigsig talking. From experience, I know the most likely other one would be CKJH, ``Beach [sic] Radio`` in landlocked Melfort, Saskatchewan, 25/25 kW U4 despite supposed to be direxional-north at night. Many Canadian MW fail to protect US stations as licensed. For once, the SAH fits neatly per mwoffsets, both measured last August: CKJH on 749.9995, WSB on 750.0002, i.e. 0.7 Hz apart! IRCA posts in reverse order leading up to this: ``DX Alert: WSB 750 off air, Rick Kenneally, 2:06pm #40306 Wow, catching up on Slack it seems much more than Argentina was heard. Sounds like an amazing night on 750.`` ``Paul Crankshaw 11:30am #40304 WSB off at 0410 utc but back on after a stutter at 0640. See my Jaguar plot of 750 kHz carriers - attached. Paul, Troon, Scotland`` ``Rick Kenneally 11:22am #40303 Oh exciting! Normally I record overnight on the west wire. But it came down in the windstorm so I’m recording overnight on the south wire. Should be interesting. Will review this weekend. Thanks Mike. Rick, Wilton, CT`` ``Paul B. Walker, Jr. 5:22am #40302 The engineer is doing work, i just saw him make a one line off handed remark in a facbeook post on his page "goign to work on the legendary AM tonight" when posting a pic of an FM transmitter. Regards, Paul Walker "The Alaska Radio Nerd"`` ``Mike Westfall 5:06am #40301 Check out 750 kHz. WSB suddenly dropped of the air at about 0410 UTC and is still off. Argentina was heard here with Tango music. -- Mike Westfall`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carriers, not a full 9/kHz bandscan this late, but checking a few likelies, March 12 at 0636 UT: only 711, surely WESTERN SAHARA; nothing on 774 or 855 Spain, 891 Algeria (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2312 UT March 12 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/