** CANADA. 730, besides the now IDed KQPN, see USA, Jan 16 at 0809 UT, I hear a quick ID in passing from something else, sounds like ``730 WKDM``, then country music. I don`t see any W### close enough in NRC AM Log, but there is CKDM in Dauphin MB, U2 10/5 kW, and C&W is one of its formats. Bet that`s it. Natch, night pattern is supposed to have null southward to protect US! I`ve heard it before: Sept 8, 2020 at 0630, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. Re VOT 5960 noshow after 2300 Jan 15; and often: ``TRT kept the 9610 transmitter on air from 2125 until they cut it at around 2345. Normal schedule is 2125-2225v English s/off. But left it on with Italian 2230-2255 then into English 2300-2345 off. So that’s most likely why you didn’t hear it on 5960, Glenn. Someone asleep again at the TRT transmitter site? Craig Tyson, Perth, Western Australia`` -- Tnx, Craig, yes, I must remember to check 9610 whenever 5960 be AWOL. The only Italian is supposed to be at 0930: 2130 must be another ``stream-only`` time like 0000 German, 0100 Portuguese which occasionally land on SW 5960 after English. [and non] 5960.005, Jan 16 at 2259 IS, 2300 timesignal about 4 seconds slow, s/on, S9/+10 direct, yet poor copy vs noise and fading. Measured at 2345 into UTwente, S9+25/35 and VG, ``with-you-every-hour`` promo; 2346 `Turkey`s Geomarked [sic] Products`` about a special bread on the Black Sea coast which can last up to 5 years. 2352 correct s/off for the 1330 broadcast only, on 13635; 2353 IS; 2356 restart IS but off at 2357*, no German; uncovering the CCCCCCI from EAST TURKISTAN, as I stand with Aoki; std denunciation (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2225 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday January 16 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, usual poor signal direct. Also confirmed Tuesday January 16 at 1400 on WRMI 9955, S9/+10 direct. Next: 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1200 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB 1230 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB or 3210-USB [previous #2224][SW suspended but still streamed?] 1500 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [unsked but reconfirmed Jan 3, 10] 2030vUT Wednesday Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975 [test?] 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0230 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1730vUT Thursday Shortwave Radio, Germany 3975 [test?] As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated. Thanks this week to Joe Caberlin, Port Colborne, Ontario for some spare US$ to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA; preferably by MO or check on a US bank One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 5085, Jan 16 at 2317 and still 2359, WTWW-2 not on air, contrary to nominal schedule from *2300. Seems irregular (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. Re: ``UNIDENTIFIED. 730, Dec 23 at 0750 UT, classical music, a surprise as no stations are overtly so formatted; pause and more as if album cuts. Not recognizable as ``holiday`` or ``religious`` but maybe, and/or anomaly for The Season. Would KKDA Korean TX or XEX Deportes CDMX do this? On 730, no CBC/SRC nor any US public radio stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)`` ``Glenn, The station on 730 kHz remains UNIDENTIFIED and continues to play two Classical guitar music selections as performed by John De'Bey - "Gavottes" from Suite No. 6 by Johann Sebastian Bach and "Largo" from Concerto 93 by Antonio Vivaldi. This is playing on a loop continuously with no station ID or call letters. At my receiving location in the northern part of the state of Georgia, the station on 730 kHz fades in and out during the evening hours. Using a Tescun AN-200 antenna loop coupled with a Radiowow R-108 receiver, the best receiving direction seems to be a line directly East-West. The station on 730 kHz is not WUMP in Huntsville, AL nor WLTQ in Charleston, SC or WZGV in Charlotte, NC. Checking the KiwiSDRs in Alabama, the station is strongest on the Birmingham, AL SDR so that may be a candidate for the area this station is transmitting. It is quite odd that absolutely no call letters or station ID has been given as normally done and required by the FCC, even during testing periods, if the station on 730 kHz is in the United States. Bermuda could have been a very remote possibility, but there are no MW stations remaining there and the station would have shown up on KiwiSDRs in North Carolina if that were the case. Central Alabama (Birmingham area perhaps?) seems a prime candidate for its location so far. --Evan Bexley - Buford, Georgia, USA`` Posted to the WOR iog at 0631 UT Jan 16. I reply at 0708. ``Evan, VERY interesting. Tnx for following up on this, and can anyone else? I have not noticed it again.`` So this goes on all the time, not just overnight. This led me to check again, Jan 16 at 0743 -- and there it is again on 730, classical guitar music. I had not listened long enough to realize it`s a two-piece loop. On the DX-398 I try to DF it, roughly E/W, maybe slightly clockwise, but too much at right angle, XEX, country? To get a tight null on the unID. Of course, the only AL station on 730 is Huntsville, nothing legal circa Birmingham. The *only* otherone along this line is KQPN West Memphis AR, U4 1000/1000, 24h talk format, ``OvC`` per NRC AM Log -- yes, that means Overcomer Ministry = Brother Hystairical! in which case it should be shown as REL. But no TOMBS heard now. Yet KQPN on radio-locator is Yahoo! Sports Radio - https://www.730sports.com/ homepage has a listen link: https://tunein.com/radio/KQPN-730-s35522/ which runs a commercial for ``WGU``, whatever that be, then nothing; or ``The Sports Giant of the mid-South`` fails: gemini.tunein.com/embed/player/s35522?partnerId=RadioTime There happens to be a KiWiSDR in Tipton County TN which ought to be in the daytime coverage area of KQPN: http://km4rt.ddns.net:8073/ Tuning that in at 1947 Jan 16 -- there it is! Our great classical guitar music. Past 2000, pauses between repeats but no ID or any announcement. Mystery solved - except why in the world KQPN would do this. Perhaps a sale/format change pending? Evidently Evan had not seen the above? when he posted this 55 minutes later: ``Glenn, The station on 730 kHz is most likely KQPN West Memphis, Arkansas based upon tuning in on the KiwiSDR located in Tipton County just north of Memphis, Tennessee during the local daylight hours. The station as monitored via this SDR is playing the same classical guitar songs as mentioned maybe with one or more mixed in but in a constant loop. Aside from the locally generated RFI at the SDR, the 730 kHz signal at this SDR is at a steady level indicating a pure ground wave mode propagation mode to this SDR during local daylight hours (for instance at 20:00 UTC). Based upon outdated listings on Wikipedia and Radio-Locator.com, the KQPN station no longer carries the Sport Radio format. In looking up the FCC database, KQPN station changed owners as of September 28, 2023. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-397387A1.pdf No indication when this classical guitar music loop test period started. However, it continues today with no station ID during the hour monitored 19:45 to 20:45 UTC on January 16, 2024. Why the station owners are doing this is quite perplexing. Are they trying to flip and re-sell the station? Keep it on the air to keep up the license? But why no station ID? -- Evan Bexley - Buford, Georgia USA`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7260, Jan 16 at 0748, weak talk S6/S8, no doubt R. Vanuatu reactivated here but on different sked than before, ending at 0659*. Tnx to Manuel Méndez, Spain, who caught it first: ``7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0701-0810, 15-01. Back on 7260. Interval signal, news, male female, at 0710 interval signal again, Island songs, more comments and news. 15421 at firs but later 25432.`` Zach Liangas, Greece, also heard it via Maui SDR Jan 15 at 0719 with traditional music. And Ron Howard: ``7260, R. Vanuatu (ex 3945), 0601-0740 UT, Jan 16. Wonderful to have them return to a frequency that produces good reception! Here are a few highlights: 0601-0603: "News Update" in Bislama; followed by some C&W songs. 0631-0634: The often heard service announcements in Bislama; notices regarding the administration of the estate of a deceased person, giving contact info for any persons claiming an interest in the estate; started and ended with the usual distinctive indigenous drums. 0654+: Series of ads, PSA's and promos (one for the "National Lotto," BBCWS promo for 104 FM, etc.). 0700-0712: "News Bulletin" and sports, in Bislama (items about China and Taiwan, "football," etc.). 0720: Promo for the upcoming “UB40 featuring Ali Campbell” music concert; please see the new YouTube promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHncFKVz3Vs . Ron, Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey), Etón E1, external antenna: 100 ft. long wire`` And Gary Pence, Dallas, reports: ``Hi Glenn, I read the nice report from Manuel Mendez a couple of hours ago and thought I would check 7260 at my USA SDR go-to for South Pacific listening, which is KFS, Southwest Array in Half Moon Bay, CA. And behold, they were still on, 0907 UT with a YL moderator and OM speaking bislama about some sort of business till 0923, then played two Island songs until the ID at 0928. They were coming in really well at S9 plus 10db average. Very happy for Manuel alerting me of this catch. Well done. Gary, KM5X`` So we wonder what be the full schedule span now on 7260 and which other frequencies? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Re 1359.71 mystery carrier/het, matching WCGL Jax FL entry om MW offsets, but another FL, WHNR was also on that exact frequency many years ago: Mauno Ritola, Finland, replied: ``Nothing so much off via Orlando KiwiSDR at 2000 UT. Could it be, that there are two transmitters in use as some do? Mauno`` I replied Jan 14: ``The one currently believed to be on 1359.71 is WCGL Jaxonvil, not WHNR. Orlando is much closer to WHNR and may not detect WCGL in daytime. Glenn`` Many tnx to David Crawford, FL, for following up on this, first Jan 15 on the WOR iog, starting with 23 UT Jan 14: ``It's neither. WHNR was heard this evening on .000 to .001 around 2300 Z, "Boss Hogg" nonIDs. No IDs were heard from Jacksonville, but there was no evidence of .71 at that time either. If it was Jacksonville FL, it would be easily visible on the SDR waterfall here in Titusville, and probably even readable, during broad daylight. I'll recheck both during daylight here. Re-check at 0055 Z has 1359.715 in weakly, so it's further west than Florida if it is a domestic station. The carrier was down to .714 after about 5 minutes, so it varies a bit, slowly. No audio was detected. Another long-term mystery carrier to my west or deep south is 859.976, varying a few Hz slowly, and typically shuts down in the 0230-0300 Z range; some nights it's not there at all. No audio, ever.`` And UT Jan 16: ``This evening, ~1359.715 popped up for all of one minute around 0046 Z, and hasn't been back since, as of 0135 Z. So, we couldn't watch it fade in as hoped. Daytime reception here was all WHNR, Boss Hogg Radio, Cypress Gardens, fair level and listenable semi-local on the right antenna, on .000 -- .001 again. The only other significant, distinct carrier visible daytime was WQVN, North Miami, stable on .999, Haitian format, but no readable audio from it. There was nothing seen on .715 during the day. WQVN took over the channel quickly around 2130 Z when the greyline propagation set in. Around 2230 Z, still greyline, there were hints of black gospel music parallel the WCGL webfeed, but not for long. It was buried in the "spot-on pile" on .000. This is very uncertain, and there was no other evidence that the station is even on the air. Jacksonville MW is typically easily heard in daylight here, so if WCGL is on, it is very low power, hiding behind another line on the waterfall, and not on .715ish. So, the mystery station is not from East Florida. WSAI, FoxSportsRadio Cincinnati, is mostly dominating with NFL after full dark set in, trading off with WQVN. David E. Crawford, Indian River City, Florida`` (via Glenn Hauser, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 10125 USB, Jan 16 at 0756, ham QSO non-English. Sounds like German intonation and a few words recognized on weak signals S7/S9, such as ``wunderbar`` - but they say ``over`` in exchanging, not ``über`` hi. I check this almost every night as I start bandscanning below 10 MHz. As per logs months ago, Aussie accents in English had been heard but never managed an ID. Australia supposedly the only country allowing phone on otherwise CW/digital-only 29 (``30``)m band. Nothing caught for a long time. Well, some Aussies could speak German. I am also alert for HK3QQ, that expired Bogotá ham who transmitted defective CW letters in keyboard order for months on 10125, but never heard again (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 0020 UT January 17