6615 hts is the first time catching a Greek operator in this part of the band1625 … up counting with ola noticed at first 9255 CNR jammer 1650 in just -100/-140noise 9890 @-95 & 9420 @-88dbm with typical slow turkic folk song ON 9890 wit QRMfro m VoK 9850 Cairo 1701 with music filler pluatalks in Turkish . these songs are known to me form the 80s when they wereadopted by Greek musician At least the sound level is quite good 9820 VoA in Kurdish with talks mentioning USA and Graham , French wise intonation 7055L the Russian Ukrainian radio war still continues 1740 ,twooperators the same time plus someone with music OM saying yaaan kenesmee kilian patan basso at 1700 7245 poss. V of Tajik with song at 1744 then talks by YL Signal at 47SMR butquite poor audio Beter in Novosibirsk with good audio BTW 4765 no signal in THSthohgh in NOvsibirk is herd and received well 8812 TAH with news / forecasts inTurkish an 1815 in English -105/135 9675 R Saudi QRMed by CRI in Farsi . maxaudio 5 kHZ but quite clear sound nearHiFi wih 55db RMS Zacharias Liangas
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