** AUSTRALIA. 10125 USB, March 28 at 0633, weak ham talking about his equipment, Oz accent. 0636 cambio to JBA contact, tentative ID by first one as VK3O. QRZ.com shows this but expired in November: ``VK3O Australia flag Australia, Special Events Callsign, Steve Gregory, Contest Operations, Hamilton Victoria 3300, Australia, QSL: VK3OT`` -- but was a ragchew, not a contest. As reported previously, only Australia has apparently authorized phone on ``30m`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA [and non]. 11760, March 28 at 2208, RHC Spanish direct with considerable Chinese music CCI --- Commies vs Commies! HFCC A23 shows CRI ``Portuguese`` at 22-23, 500 kW, 317 degrees via Xi`an. How could CRI know about RHC which refuses to participate in HFCC? The Other Side: ``'If you're young in Cuba you can't work, you have to scrap' DIARIO DE CUBA spoke with several young people about their job prospects and wages in Cuba today. Jorge Enrique Rodríguez, La Habana 27 Mar 2023 - 17:31 CEST A restaurant in Old Havana. Diario de Cuba "In Cuba, if you're young, to enjoy your youth you can't work for the State, you have to scrap," said Aaron Machado, a 25-year-old Havana man we met at one of the most exclusive bars in the historic center of Old Havana, where he was eating with his partner and some friends...`` https://diariodecuba.com/cuba/1679931093_46086.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MEXICO. 28183.2 as I estimate it, March 28 at 2219, first beacon encountered is a regular: ``VVV XE1RCS/B EK09`` and dash, i.e.: ``28.183 XE1RCS C CERRO GORDO, MEXICO # 5W, VERTICAL New 8/08/08, Club call 27/06/10 Back on 16 Sept 1`` per WI5V list (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6974.908 AM, March 28 at 0130, JBA music, S8/S9, unID pirate. Also unID here, believe subject line misdated 27 Mar: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,111858.0.html since on Mar 28 logs are called ``today`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 7325 USB, March 28 at 0630, S4/S5 pop music vs S8/S5 storm noise level direct; lower level modulation also when tuned to 7325 LSB. Checking since on WOR iog the Russian ethnic pirate from NV? has been reported here, ex 4015 USB. That is, восточная звезда or if your display can`t handle Cyrillic, Vostochnaya Zvezda = Eastern Star, presumably nothing to do with an American women`s Christian group, but no ID heard by me. First reported by Ron Howard on March 27: ``UNID. 7325-USB, 0956-0957 UT. I often check this frequency in the hope that Wantok Radio Light (PNG) will reactivate, but I never heard anything before 0957, so I was very surprised to hear a station only in USB, playing a pop song till totally blocked by the start of CRI at *0957. Is this a pirate or what? My audio - https://app.box.com/s/c3dfnb34kth6si5nllsmjwjp71m99je8 Ron California`` Lucas Bandura, BC, replied at 2130: ``Ron, I reposted your 7325 USB log on the HFU in case anyone there would know anything about it or stay up late enough to check. Big Badfish Al wrote: “Vostochnaya Zvezda most likely since they are no longer on 4015 USB and had the same playlist.”`` Lucas at 2135: ``I am listening on the KFS SE KiwiSDR now, good S3. Much better frequency than 4015! Listeners outside of the US Southwest might have a chance at hearing it now, we will see when night comes. On 4015 it could not be heard at any SDR sites during the day.`` Walt Salmaniw, BC, replied: ``Hopefully a much better choice as 4015 barely made it to Masset. I’d like to see a daytime frequency as well!73, Walt`` Lucas replied at 2148 March 27: ``Token in California on the HFU reported hearing YHWH on 11560 AM three times during his first week of being active in 2023 but I have been checking that frequency daily and heard only legal stations. I will ask Token sometime if he has heard him there since. A daytime frequency would be great for VZ. I am guessing he is much like the Northeast pirates; they use NVIS antennas and don’t really care if they make it outside their region since that is outside their target area.`` Ron Howard at 2309 UT March 27: ``Thanks very much to Amano for his input regarding my 7325-USB (Vostochnaya Zvezda [Eastern Star]) reception, after he listened to my audio. Ron: "00:00-01:25[on my audio clip], this song is Russian popular music. «Магнитная Aномалия» Алло Стелла. “Magnetic Anomaly“ by Allo Stella. YouTube - https://youtu.be/6eK2C_Hvd2Q . Amano, Saitama, Japan"`` Walt: ``Yes, exactly the same. The childish voice at 04:14 is the same as heard on 4015, and also the clips that Lucas provided earlier. I can't make out what the child says at all. Shazam also isn't able to ID any of the music played in the last 10 minutes or so.`` At 0437 March 28, from Lucas Bandura, BC: ``Very, very weak here at 0330 UT. As Walt said the same child voice in a non-English language is heard and the music format is the same. No identifications over about an hour of listening. The audio is still restricted to 2.5 kHz but the bad splatter can be seen on the KFS SE KiwiSDR when the signal gets up to S9+10. The splatter covers about 7320-7330 kHz. A bit distorted so I think he needs to turn the audio input down.`` Gary Pence to the WOR iog at 0351: ``EX station 4015 khz is on right now On 7325 khz USB S7-S9 KPH Point Reyes, California --- Hi Glenn, also heard same signal profile on S. Nev. Radio Ranch. Got to be the same guy that was on 4015 khz`` Salmaniw at 0448: ``Not a great frequency, especially due to the splatter from very powerful 7335 which is Radio Martí? Best to head lower by 10 or 50 kHz, or higher somewhere. Walt`` Bandura at 0455: ``Yes, 7335 is Radio Martí. I agree that he could find a better frequency, but at least it’s a huge improvement over 4015 USB.`` Bandura at 0632: ``He is now being heard fairly strong across North America, but the Radio Martí slop is really bad.`` And Bandura at 0700: ``I have created a new page on the HFU Wiki for this station: https://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/index.php/Vostochnaya_Zvezda Anyone with an account on the HFU can edit the wiki or you can post information that should be added to the page and I will add it.`` Other logs of 7325: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,111848.0.html https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,111839.0.html https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,111867.0.html Dan Robinson reports 7325 on the WOR iog at 2119 UT March 28: ``Listening at Stauffer, CA SDR, hearing it with music as of 2011 UTC. "You are listening to Radio Vostochnaya Zvezda. Thank you for....." at 2019 UTC [sic]`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** PERU. 4820, March 28 at 0657, JBA carrer; and no Chazuta 4810 now. Further research about this Radio Integridad: RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ, Colombia, March 23, translation: ``4820 kHz UNID, after 0100 UT the signal that my colleague Auguste [sic] Galaz reported since March 17 as Radio Integridad is reaching me. At the moment with Andean praise music and something that seems to be a vernacular locution and with sounds of "Windows" in the middle of the songs. It is clear that it is not rebroadcasting the Radio Integridad signal at this time, confirmed with its online audio. The MTC of Perú {as of year 2005! gh} registers a station authorized to operate on this frequency (OAW-6C) from Arequipa, but it also registers others that are not active, so it is hasty to say that it is the same.`` On March 27: ``[WOR] Possible Identity of new 4820 Khz from Perú --- Hi, Marcos C. from Vicuña, Chile here. I have not written here in many years but here is something interesting for you: I read some days ago about a new Peruvian on 4820 Khz thanks to fellow DXer Claudio Galaz and I found some info about this new station. I heard the station just now and they were not relaying RRI (Red Radio Integridad) but Radio Integridad from Trujillo, La Libertad. Here is some short clip where they identified themselves as "Radio Integridad 105.7 FM, La Voz que glorifica a dios" at 00:52 UTC https://soundcloud.com/madseason2o1o/radio-integridad-trujillo-la-libertad-4820-khz-0052-utc-27-03-2023 The station ended the broadcast around 02:05 UTC. There is more info in Spanish here`` https://rinconondacorta.blogspot.com/2023/03/nueva-estacion-de-onda-corta-en-peru.html Viz.: ``domingo, 26 de marzo de 2023 Nueva Estacion de Onda Corta en Perú por los 4820 Khz Ha aparecido una nueva estación de Onda Corta en Perú. Esta nueva estación de Radio de Onda Corta transmite por los 4820 Khz que hasta ahora por las noches se ha escuchado que retransmite a Radio Integridad de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú con programación cristiana con programas como "Aviva nuestros corazones" de Nancy de Moss y también programas de Radio Transmundial En el siguiente clip puedes escuchar la identificación a las 00:52 UTC del 27 de Marzo de 2023 Según el MTC (Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones) de Perú en ambos listados de frecuencias autorizadas y registro nacional de frecuencias, aparece autorizada una estación de radio por los 4820 Khz pero en Cotahuasi, Arequipa. La persona que registró esta frecuencia también registró una adicional por los 99.9 FM, en esa frecuencia transmite una estación religiosa llamada Radio Senda Cristiana que transmite hace varios años por esa frecuencia FM. Podría ser que esta estación de Radio es Radio Senda Cristiana que transmite desde Cotahuasi, Arequipa? Hasta ahora lo único seguro es que retransmite a Radio Integridad desde Trujillo, La Libertad. Publicado por Mr Dx Chile en 23:11`` ``Tnx, Marcos, good to hear from you. I guess this Integridad may not be related to the Red, not on their station list: https://rri.pe/emisoras-rri.html They do have a different FM station in La Libertad, Pacasmayo on 90.9 Glenn`` Marcos: ``apparently not, because they don't mention Red Radio Integridad neither in their website nor their facebook page`` Bryan Clark, March 28 at 0517: ``Here in the north of New Zealand, I've been hearing a weak signal on 4820 since 0450 UT today. Now, at 0515 I am hearing it quite well on my WinRadio SDR. Checking KiwiSDRs in South America before 0500, I heard an identification for Radio Integridad and the Peruvian anthem just before the hour. After the hour it appears to be carrying a syndicated Christian news programme. I found a matching webstream for Radio Integridad Trujillo as well. The SDR Alpha Corral LU1HCW is providing a good clean signal. If the station runs overnight it will be a reasonably easy catch for DXers in the South Pacific. Regards, Bryan, Mangawhai NZ`` Lucas Bandura: ``Still no mention of 4820 kHz on their website. Has anyone tried emailing them, r_integridad@yahoo.com to ask about the new frequency?`` Bruce Churchill, California: ``UNID Peruvian heard quite well on 28 Mar on 4820 from SDR in W. Iceland from 0633 to 0703 with relay of Radio Integridad in Trujillo (as indicated by Bryan this program was parallel to web stream for Radio Integridad 105.7 FM). S3 to S4 on SINPO scale. Missionary stations in LA typically use their own transmitters such as R Chaski and R Logos – so the real question is, is this station departing from the pattern and leasing (or using) someone else’s transmitter? In any case, well heard both in Iceland and NZ so likely not a low-power operation. I did e-mail the station per Lucas’s suggestion. We’ll see. Bruce`` I hope this roundup has been helpful. Maybe sometime I shall hear more than a JBA carrier, myself (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. Habitually I had been listening to VOT English at 2300 on 5960 via UTwente, where I could be sure of a loud & clear signal - except for some CCCCCCI. Now at 2200 on 11785, it should arrive better to deep North America. So I try it direct, March 28: 2158, IS playing with English IDs, S8/9+20 with quite a lot of pumping fading but no QRM. No problem from 11780 if that`s Brasil, S3/S6. Timesignal at 2200 is 2.5 seconds late compared to WWV! After s/on citing only four *other* English emissions, news items include demos in France, PKK terrorists, bus accident in Sa`udi Arabia, Nashville school shootings. 2207 `Review of the Turkish Press`; 2210 music; 2214 promo VOT in 41 languages on website, `Weekly Commentary` by a prof at Manchester Univ, about WHO, cholera rates, Bangladesh, but read by extreme accentedess, so I try 26110, see USA. And 28183, see Mexico. Back on UTwente S9+30/35 at 2249 to catch the multilingual ID reel filler; 2252 s/off with 4 other broadcasts only, 2254* off before IS can be completed even once. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 26110 NBFM, March 28 at 2216, KMK282 is on, weather info for Sacramento and The Valley, steady S9, very gradual fade to S8; ends at 2217 with vamp musiic, now S7, 2218 dead air, and autocutoff at 2218.5. No doubt will be back off and on. That means local news on KOVR or KMAX at 3:16 local time, or a pre-recording (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2183 monitoring: missed checking UT Tue Mar 28 at 0030 on WRMI 9395; anyone hear it? Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Has now been updated for European DST changes, not yet NZ Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated; this week from Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, for a generous quarterly check on a US bank marking the Vernal Equinox, to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA, One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 13565 approx., March 28 at 0650, JBA CW NOT sending K6FRC ID over and over, but I copy a W .-- and a period, .-.-.- so more than just an ID. Many others around fq in two listings here: https://www.lwca.net/sitepage/part15/index.htm (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2326 UT March 28 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/