Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - Tropical Bands Monitor 2023, Anker Petersen - [WOR] A23 schedules by ITU ! - [A-DX] TuneIn Explorer now in mobile apps - RADIOMUSEET I GÖTEBORG - [WOR] Loss of AM radio in cars - Nytt i ljudarkivet, Vatikanradion, SDXF, Stig Granfeldt - GREEK MUSIC REFUGE, Zacharias Liangas - The Ministry of Emergency Situations explained the false message about the air alert in Moscow. RUS-DX - At the Pridnestrovian Radio Center, the mode of limiting electricity consumption has been removed. RUS-DX - The Russian division of Radio Liberty** was declared bankrupt. RUS-DX - List of streams of broadcasting radio stations. 7701 thousand stations, including stations in Russia. RUS-DX - The Government of the Russian Federation will discuss the domestic Android. RUS-DX - Communication receiver type SRA MR 201 - Communication receiver type STANDARD RADIO SR25 - Communication receiver type HAGENUK UA12 - DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2024.pdf