** CUBA. 15140, March 14 at 1900-1915, checking for RHC English at earlied time, but: no signal here nor on 11760. Something`s always wrong at RHC. 11880 not on air before or after 2230.
RHC website is uselessly outdated, and HFCC is boycotted, but does register with ITU, for A-23 as of 23 February latest: I pull out the higher-band CUB entries. They are all HAB without breaking down to three different sites; the Language column is always blank; and some obvious traditional CRI relays are not marked as such. With kW powers and azimuths which should make the target clear: 17730, 1830-2000, 100, 140 [could include 19-20 English??] 15730, 2130-2330, 50, 135 15520, 1900-2100, 100, 100 [NEW, Africa? not in ITU but SPAIN also] 15230, 1100-1400, 250, 305 15230, 2100-0400, 250, 160 15140, 1000-1400, 100, 130 15140, 1400-1700, 100, 10 15140, 1700-1930, 100, 340 [already heard it to 1930* amid English] 15120, 2300-2400, 250, 160 [surely CRI] 13740, 1000-1300, 250, 160 13740, 2000-0300, 250, 160 13700, 1000-1400, 100, 310 [spurs not entered; NO 13680] 13650, 2100-2200, 250, 135 [has been CRI Portuguese at 23-24] 11950, 2200-2300, 100, 340 11880, 1400-1500, 250, 305 [CRI? long gone; no tarde RHC English] 11850, 2000-0400, 250, 170 11760, 1000-1700, 100, 0 11760, 2000-0100, 100, 0 11670, 2200-0300, 100, 130 tedious, lowers not copied yet, but no new 9700 despite already on air, just 9790-CRI, 9710, 9650, 9535; no 7s (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EGYPT. 9439.995, March 14 at 2206+, R. Cairo tries and fails yet again to English at 2115-2245: signature offset into UTwente at S9+30/40 but JBM with big humbuzz, totally unreadable talk, cannot even be positive it`s English. Something`s always egregious in Egypt (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960.005, March 14 at 2300, VOT opening English, S9+25/35 into UTwente, plenty signal for max bandwidth in AMsynch of 13.53 kHz, but news still sounds lo/fi telco quality: GIGO. At least is on air today; you never know whether it shall be. Something`s always awry at Ankara and/or erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. ``Glenn, regarding the KOVR feed on 26110: They are obviously feeding the output of the production control room, rather than the actual on-air complete mix. The breaks in audio you hear are where the commercials go, inserted elsewhere. This is also why you heard the weather insert being recorded. It would appear the transmitter powers down after a certain amount of silence. Using the production control room feed (minus commercials) for IFB was pretty standard in the days when a radio link was used. However, in the early days of digital cell phones being used for this purpose, my station discovered that long periods of silence on the line would cause the call to drop, so we started sending the commercials down the line as well to keep the call active. Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas`` Just before 16 UT March 14, I warn the WOR iog: ``If today is typical like Monday, expect the 26110 NBFM transmitter of KOVR to be on air intermittently between 16 and 18 UT for the `Good Day` show on KMAX-TV. This thing should have its own callsign. Can anyone dig it out of FCC? It may be classified as a ``co-pending auxiliary`` of KOVR-TV; or not. Glenn`` Harold Frodge promptly replied: ``Per https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseLocSum.jsp?licKey=3099776 the call is WQKF723`` Viz.: ``WQKF723 Transmit Location KOVR Studio 2713 KOVR Drive West Sacramento, CA YOLO County 38-35-31.9 N, 121-32-47.9 W Radio Service: TI - TV Intercity Relay`` Oops, this callsign is not for the 26110 unit, but ``TV Intercity Relay License - WQKF723 - SACRAMENTO TELEVISION STATIONS, INC`` The original tab linked, LOCATIONS, has no info on frequency, power or mode, so I explore the others, and find that this is a 13 GHz microwave link with EXPIRED license: [hard to get columns lined up; see original] MAIN tab: ``Status Canceled Auth Type Regular Dates Grant 05/01/2009 Expiration 12/01/2022 Effective 05/06/2021 Cancellation 01/18/2022`` ADMIN tab: also says ``LICENSE CANCELED`` PATH tab: ``Path Frequencies Tolerance EIRP ATPC Emission Designators 013025.00000000-013050.00000000 0.00500% 76.4dBm No 25M0D7W Baseband Digital Rate (kbps): 90000.0 Digital Modulation Type: QAM/32`` Meanwhile I am monitoring continuously via Missouri SDR. Nothing until *1617 in an interview, about 3.14 day, at the ``I Love Pi[e] Shop``, off at 1626*, briefly back 1629, off and nothing more past 1750. Gary Pence, KM5X, reported: ``You called it, Glenn; it came on at the BoH 1630z, got up to S9+8db before deep fade out into SDR KC9KKV, Forney, Texas. 26110 khz NBFM. 73, Gary, km5x`` - with a clip about I-80 road conditions. Lucas Bandura, BC, provides another clip, earlier: ``KOVR Studio Transmitter Link 26110 FM 1434 UTC 13 MAR 2023`` https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ncCWQlJIv70 of 10+ minutes recorded in Pennsylvania (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2181 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday March 14 at 0030 ex-0130 on WRMI 9395, S9+5/15 into Maryland SDR. This one preceded by Jeff`s ``The world is in turmoil...`` ad. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW [ex-2430] 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW [ex-2200] 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW [ex-0130] 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated; this week from James Ferry, Thornville OH, ``Thanks for providing SW frequency schedules`` with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - in US funds but not necessarily. One may also contribute via postal MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. In a message dated 3/6/2023 10:48:31 AM Central Standard Time, wghauser@yahoo.com writes: ``George, Last night at 0737 UT I had an S6/S7 open carrier on 9475. Was that WTWW? Glenn`` ``YES>`` (George McClintock, March 14, via gh, WOR) ** U S A. 5085, March 14 at 0226 & 2307 chex, WTWW is off again. In case you be unfamiliar, here is what we are missing: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2011/07/15/influential-christian-identity-pastor-dies https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Peter_J._Peters (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-oceanic JBA MW 9/kHz split carrier search, March 14 at 0630: surprised to detect no 846, Kiritimati off or out of season? But 1503, two signals beating slowly. There are a pair of low-powers each in Spain and New Zealand. Also a faster beat on 1305: there are several in Spain, only one in NZ, per WRTH 2022. How about the 2023 which has now arrived? You need three hands, two to hold the book open since it cannot lie flat, and another to wield the magnifying glass. Unfortunately, the ``East Asia & Pacific`` MW by region list has no NZ on either frequency --- in fact in a cursory check, nothing at all from Pacific! No Australians topping the alphabet under each channel. Knowing from the 2022 to look under NZ, I do see there the two in NZ on 1503, the one on 1305, and Spainfo also matches (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 2317 UT March 14 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/