Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - Specialprogram på Världsradiodagen den 13 februari 2023 - ARNALDO CORO ANTICH (CO2KK) PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING AT 80 YEARS OLD - [A-DX] Kirchen-Frequenzliste - [A-DX] WRTH: We have exciting news! - The World Radio Map, RadioGarden - [WOR] Mexico?s Zone of Silence, Where Radio Signals Fail - [HCDX] This week on Greek music refuge - DRAKE R-4A, building a frequency synthesizer, by Hans Östnell - [WOR] A quick report on RadioDX Norfolk Isl 3rd test + upcoming transmission announcement - [nordx] RAE DX Supplement 11/11/22 - Top 10 DX of the Year Contest, A-DX - Remark: Goodbye Western songs? RUS-DX - A DXpedition to East Sandy, SWLing Post - KW-Empfänger R-250 / R-250M / R-250M2 - The radio frequency service will detect prohibited information on Internet resources. RUS-DX - Eine Richtstrahlantenne von Rohde & Schwarz als Briefmarkenmotiv. - DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2020.pdf