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KSEN, KJJR, WBOB DX Test QSL Requests   
Wednesday, December 07 2022

The deadline to submit reception reports for the DX Tests from KSEN, KJJR, and WBOB is now closed.

We have completed listening to all the recordings, asking for follow-up information where needed, and compiling a list of those who submitted verified reports. This list has been provided to Joseph Miller, KJ8O, who will design QSL cards and email them in the coming weeks.

Priority will be given to those identifying as NRC/IRCA members. The remainder will be sent out later. We want to encourage membership in IRCA and NRC. Both clubs provide low-cost electronic memberships. The Courtesy Program Committee is a club resource, and your membership fees help us continue to line up DX Tests. Join today.

Thanks for all the reports. We had some remarkable receptions. More DX Tests are planned for the 2022-2023 season. The CPC is also working on an innovative outreach program that we hope will add even more tests. Volunteers supplement our work from both clubs, putting in long hours to make this successful. The CPC is enormously grateful for their help.

I'll make sure to let you know more about this later.


Les Rayburn, N1LF
les@highnoonfilm.com <mailto:les@highnoonfilm.com>
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman

Perseus SDR, AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.

“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”

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