DXing America,s SDR,s (REMOTELY) ALL TIMES Are UTC/GMT Submissions Are in Chronological Order as they were heard.
** AUSTRIA 6120 khz (0415z-0428z sign off) Adventist World Radio Speaking turkish from Moosbrunn about 15 miles SSE of Vienna with a S9+5db signal into Newbury,NH.OCT.26,2022 GaryPence,km5x,TX. ** Romania 6015 khz (0445z)R.Romania International speaking Romanian from just north of Bacau about 60 miles from the Moldava border with a good S9+15db signal into W1NT rSDR Newton NH.Oct.26,2022 GP,km5x,TX. ** ALGERIA 7200 khz (0444z-0453)TDA Telediffusion 'd Algerie Broadcasting from Bechar playing Algerian Natl.Anthem with a S9+5db signal with high speed CW intentional interference with a Bogus callsign sending CQ. Test but only when the Anthem was playing.this was copied at Maurice,louisana KiWirSDR. Oct.26,2022 Kirimati 846 khz 0522z R.kiribati from Kirimati heard S7 into NH6XO SDR Kaneohe,OAHU,HI.GP,km5x,Tx,Oct.26,2022 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/