DXing Americas SDR,s (Remotely)
** VANUATU (0702z) R.Vanuatu brodcasting News Speaking Bislama on 3945 khz S6,7890 khz S7,S8 and 11835 khz S9+5/10db into KFS SW.Half Moon Bay,CA Oct.11,2022 GP,km5x, USA
** KOREA (north) 9875 khz (0741z-0757z) Voice of Korea Speaking and mainly playing Symphonic music from Kujang with up to S9+10db signal into KFS SDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Oct.11,2022 GaryPence,km5x,USA ** Australia 4835 khz Sortwave Australia broadcasting in English playing various Genre and Sub-genere,s of music from near,Bendigo about 80 miles NNW of Melbourne with a S7 signal with some QRN into KFS H.M.Bay,CA.Oct.11,2022 GP,km5x,USA _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/