///////// DXing AMERICA,S SDRs Remotly //////////
TIMES Are UTC/GMT log,s are in Chronological order as they were heard ** Germany 15220 Khz Adventist World Radio(0743)Speaking Arabic from Nauen wth a S7,S8 Signal into W3HFU KiWirSDR Westminster,Maryland which is about 25 miles Northwest of Baltimore,MD.Antenna used was a 250ft VE beam To the Northeast.Sept15,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS **FRANCE 15300 Khz R.France International(0744z)Speaking French from Issoudun With a strong S9+5db into W3HFU KiWirSDR Westminster,MD.Sept15,2022 Gary Pence/km5x/DAS ** SAUDI ARABIA 15380 Khz (0747z) R.Saudi Speaking Arabic from Riyadh Singing Religious chant with a good S8 Signal into W3HFU KiWirSDR Westminster, Maryland.USA GaryPence/km5x/DXing AMERICA,s SDR,s Remotly ** Ascension Island 15490 Khz (0748z) B.B.C World Service Speaking English talking about Queen Elizabeth,s Ceremony. Has A signal into W3HFU KiWirSDR in Westminster,MD.Sept15,2022 GP/km5x/DAS ** MADAGASCAR 17640 Khz (0754z) B.B.C.World Service Speaking English with a S6,S7 Signal into W3HFU KiWi rSDR Westminster,MD USA Sept15,2022 Gary Pence/km5x/DAS ** Algeria 17600 Khz (0755z-0805z) Speaking in Arabic from Bechar with YL announcer doing News and ID with music starting at 0804z.Has A S7 Signal into W3HFU KiWi rSDR Westminster,MD.Sept15,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** BRAZIL 15189.915 khz (0925z-0935z) R.Inconfidencia Speaking Portuguese Playing South American music with an ID at 0935z broadcasting >From Belo HorIzonte Mg with a S6,S7 Into KiWirSDR Corrine,UTAH KiWi rSDR.Sept15,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** MYANMAR aka (Burma) 5915 Khz Myanmar Radio (1132z-1146z) YL and OM Speaking Burmese along with Contemporary Music with a good S8,S9 Signal into KFS NW KiWi rSDR Half Moon Bay,California.Verified thru KiwiSDR GMRS DIMAPUR,INDIA Signal S9+30db.Sept15,2022 GaryPence/km5xDAS ** MYANMAR 5985 Khz (1208z-1220z)Myanmar Radio, Broadcasting Burmese from Yangon Playing Music with some adjacent QRM peaking S9 into KFS Northwest KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Verified thru KiWirSDR GMRS DIMAPUR,INDIA Signal S9+30 peaking-38dbm.Sept15,2022 GP/km5x/DAS flux144 A=1 Dispatched: Sept.15,2022 1331z _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/