to the BC tests of the TDA transmitter engineers
at the new Ampegon unit installations in Bewchar and Qargla:
THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING in the 41 meterband on 7200 kHz.
re 7200 kHz channel use for BC station services in AM/DSB format
these days is illegal,
omly USB-mode transmissions are allowed on 7200 kHz resp. 7300 kHz channels
on upper side flank.
acc ITU bandplan
first AM BC/DSB channel in EUR/AS/AUS region 1 and 3, is 7205 kHz,
in ITU region 2 like AMericas 7305 kHz and up:
ITU Radio Regulations of ITU 4.5 and Circular Letter of ITU Switzerland
CR/282 3.2
RR 4.5
The frequency assigned to a station of a given service shall be separated
from the limits of the band allocated to this service in such a way that,
taking account of the frequency band assigned to a station, no harmful
interference is caused to services to which frequency bands immediately
adjoining are allocated.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Pence
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:38 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 14th
///////// DXing AMERICA,S SDR,S Remotly //////////
7200 Khz Telediffusion d'Algerie(TDA) 0000z-0007z Broadcasting in
Arabic From Bechar w/ID at ToH OM Ann.News followed by music at 0005z.Had a
Signal into KC9FFV KiWi rSDR Forney,Texas.USA Forney is located
about 20 miles east of dallas,TX.He uses a 142ft end fed Zep.
Sept14,2022 Gary Pence km5x/DASP
** Vanuatu
Radio Vanuatu 0853z heard Speaking Bislama followed by a good
Reggae genre Song with a good signals on these frequencies listed
Below into KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay, CA.GaryPence/km5x/DAS Sept 14th
4310.19khz S7
8620.38khz S7,S8 some teletype QRM
12930.57 S9+5db in the clear
17600 Khz TDA broadcasting in Arabic playing Arabian music with
A slightly over driven audio partially distorted but it could
be a lot worse.Copied 1301z ID ToH followed by news.Xmtr Bechar
Has a S8,S9 Signal into kiwirSDR Warrenton,VA.Sept14,2022 USA
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