///////// DXing AMERICA,S SDR,S Remotly //////////
ALL TIMES Are UTC/GMT ** Algeria 7200 Khz Telediffusion d'Algerie(TDA) 0000z-0007z Broadcasting in Arabic From Bechar w/ID at ToH OM Ann.News followed by music at 0005z.Had a S9+5db Signal into KC9FFV KiWi rSDR Forney,Texas.USA Forney is located about 20 miles east of dallas,TX.He uses a 142ft end fed Zep. Sept14,2022 Gary Pence km5x/DASP ** OMAN 7445 Khz 0150z (0645z)B.B.C. OM and YL broadcasting in DARI News about Queen Elizabeth from AL- Seela with a Signal of S9+20db into W1NT KiWi rSDR Newton, NH.USA Sept14,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DA ** Vatican 15490 khz B.B C. Broadcasting in English from S.M. di Galeria talking about Queen Elizabeth with a Signal of S7 SSOB into W1NT KiWi rSDR Newton, New Hampshire. USA Sept.14,2022 Gary Pence/km5x/DAS
** SAUDI ARABIA 15380 Khz 0650z Radio Saudi broadcasting in Arabic from Riyadh Singing Religious melodic melodies with an S5,S6 Signal with some QSB into W1NT KiWi rSDR Newton,NH.USA Sep14,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** Germany 15220 Khz (0704z) Adventist World Radio broadcasting in Arabic >From Nauen into K1RA/KW4VA KiWi rSDR Warrenton,Virginia Has a Signal of S9 using a 45ft Vertical wire.GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** ALASKA 9695 Khz 0840z World Christian Broadcasting (KNLS) New Life STation Broadcasting in English from Anchor Point OM gave testimony then A new song by Adam Levine and Maroon 5 with a Signal of S9+20db Into KFS KiWi rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Sept14,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** Australia 5055 Khz Radio Station 4KZ broadcasting in English playing soft Rock and pop music from New South Wales with a good S7,S7 Signal into KFS KiWi rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Sept14,2022 GP/km5x/DAS ** Vanuatu Radio Vanuatu 0853z heard Speaking Bislama followed by a good Reggae genre Song with a good signals on these frequencies listed Below into KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay, CA.GaryPence/km5x/DAS Sept 14th 4310.19khz S7 8620.38khz S7,S8 some teletype QRM 12930.57 S9+5db in the clear ** BRAZIL 9665 khz R.Voz Missonaria broadcasting in Portuguese playing music At 0914z with a good S8,S9 Signal from Camboriu SC into k1RA/KW4VA KiWirSDR Warrenton,Virginia USA GaryPence/km5x/DAS Sept14,2022 ** New Zealand 7245 Khz Radio New Zealand Inter. 0920z Speaking English talking about conservation with a strong Signal of S9+20db from Rangitaiki Into K1RA/KW4VA KiWirSDR Warrenton,Virginia GaryPence/km5x/DAS **Australia 4835 Khz Radio Australia 0950z Heard a old song (Ballad) playing With Recorded YL ID signal was weak but steady into KFS SW KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay,California USA.Gary Pence/km5x/DAS Sept 14,2022 ** Mongolia 12084.85 Voice of Mongolia Speaking Japanese with their unmistakable Low pitch hum in the background with a good S9+5/10db into KFS KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay, California USA Gary Pence Km5x/DAS Sept 14,2022 ** VIETNAM (1100z-1130z) Voice of Vietnam broadcasting in Japanese) 12020 khz S9+5/10db (from Hanoi with strong signals sounding louder) 9840 khz S9+25db (on the 25 meter band.YL and OM Announcer,s.AT (1130z) Program started in English Starting with News 1131z-1140z w/ID then Economic News 1145z letters from listeners.Celebrating Anniversary of independence and more listener Reports and info on post Covid Tourism.Followed by a Song at 1151z till sign off at 1158z.heard into KFS NW KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.USA Sept14,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** Disclaimer:
Stations are in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER AS THEY WERE HEARD. ** PHILIPPINES 9400 Khz FEBC broadcasting Religious Christan content in Chinese from IBA about 85 miles Northwest of Manila right on the coast.heard 1150z-1205z with ID at ToH with a Strong Signal of S9+25db -51dbm into KFS NW KiWirSDR Half Moon Bay, CA.USA Sept14,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DAS
**MADAGASCAR 17660 khz R.FRANCE Int.Broadcasting in French VIA Talata- Volonondry News at 1249z with a good S7,S8 Signal into K1RA/KW4VA KiWirSDR Warrenton,VA. about 45 miles West of Washington,DC.Sept14,2022 GaryPence/km5x/DXing AMERICA,s SDR,s/Remotly ** ALGERIA 17600 Khz TDA broadcasting in Arabic playing Arabian music with A slightly over driven audio partially distorted but it could be a lot worse.Copied 1301z ID ToH followed by news.Xmtr Bechar Has a S8,S9 Signal into kiwirSDR Warrenton,VA.Sept14,2022 USA GaryPence/km5x/DAS ** DISPATCHED Sept.14,2022 ,1336Z _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/