/////////////// DXing thru AMERICA,s rSDR,s ////////////////
ALL TIMES Are UTC/GMT ** Oman 15400 Khz,12085 Khz B.B.C. World Service Relay from Al - Seela.Copied English service from (1230z - 1259z sign off)on Longpath over the Pacific ocean thru the path of darkness with a S9 signal on 19 meters and S9+5db on the 25 meter band with the usual content of the news hour about the War and two of Boris,s subordinates put in their resignations. This was thru KPS SW ant.Half Moon Bay, California rSDR.East coast USA was in sunrise and had no signal direct path heard.. ** ANTARTICA 15476 Khz LRA36 I got on late at 1446z to hear music in progress from LRA 36 Then heard YL speaking with signal just with or above S5 noise level with a signal Peak from 1458 - 1502z then a Los of Signal approx.1511z and re checked thru Brazil SDRs.(Signal copied @ KPS SE ant. Half Moon Bay,California SDR) ** UZBEKISTAN 15510 Khz IBRA MEDIA / RADIO Ibrahim broadcasting in Bengali from Tashkent With A S7 Signal w/qsb over the Long path into KPS SW ant Half Moon Bay, California SDR USA. Dispatched 2340z _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/