Reply To WOR Message On 6150 Return Yes i just listened (0920) via Twente -75/-95dbm or 20-30db only SNRThey (at twente ) need to do something with the antenna to lower the noise 1008 Imagine AM with oldies ID at 0945Local signal from nearby Twente From QTHin Thessaloniki : Re :9420 The frequency is vacant 9490 R Rom Intl is the ONLY station on theband … ERA crash started at around 1254 with -55dbm signal News at 1300 At 1454is clear with CNR-UI while in Fenu SWIERA is heard in the clear ! 13190 IRIB in Arabic 1238 and still at 1323 with-75dbm 9580 RRI tiganesti in DRM mode 1515 with-80dbm perfectly copied in the Swi kiwi Less successin THS with good the 1/3 bytes and 17dbm SNR . Audio is very bad too in both cases . Russian program 17870 Dmtse Woyane 1526 mixed with jammer QRM as also heard in 17800 for very short time before 1730 withcarrier on around 1 minute of content then s off BTW on 15830 Farda signed off 1530 17485 0648 12/5 ΨΡΙ in Arabic with long talks 0652 with a HOT arabic dancesong -62dbm an easy to listen frequency 15380.06 Kuwait 0654 with payer chanting -72dbm , 45 db SNR with lotsof QRN but low mod making the reception seemvery poor 11620 KBS? 0701 in Korean with news-80dbm 9670 0703 with song . -77dbm
Via S Brazil 15476U not any trace in the 3 SDRsstried at 1544 pardinho is very heavy with many kiwi recorders /WSPR making theSDR site slow 9550 Boa Vontade with talk in Brazuguese motioning pedru . Width 14+kHz -75dbmsignal 9667 VOz missionaria , 1551 religioussong with halleluyah -57 dbm signal 9818.89 radio 9 July with happyreligious song .1655 with ID r9/6 with news program . fist mentioning FFrancisco -70dbm 9289.93 Rádio Araucária 1558 with funny songs or anthems of old time signal at -90 dbm Web site 12/5 Todaythere is some traffic in the 43-45mb with Serdolik also format.the 10+ routersin the building are killing much of reception.Look aso in the active frequencies a FC group devoted mostly to utes: Few of the frequencies noticed in the photo are 6687.3 /6777 / 666x / 6853 in LSB or even USB Therewere a few more unnoticed
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