At 1458vvia Kuwait SDr : 7110Ethiopia 1458 with Horn of Africa /HoA songs S9 with QSB and good modulation 7140 VoBM2Eritrea 1457 with funny acapella songs with men really shouting instead of singing . bit poor modulation , lower than theEthiopian S10 more stable signal 7205 XJPBS –Xinjiang 1552 talks in UI mentioningcontinuously Kazakhs and kazakhstan , 7600 Afghanistan Intl TV 1517 and 5830 Iran Intlat S20 and S30 respectively , 5830 has stronger QSB MW : viaKuwait kSDr 540 Kuwait Mainat 1511 with many mentions of the cityS9 Also on 549 630 KuwaitQuran 1514 imam praying S10 There aremore local stations but prefer to continue to the SW band ) Via Kenya 6090 AmharaRadio at 1532 with talks in Amharic .S7 6110 R Fana1535 with talks by man and woman in Amharic Checkedthese signals bai the Cypriot and the Kuwat Sdr but signals were too poor, 6095CRI English was QRMing both signals in the M East Via huntervalley 2368.4Symban was this day transmitting hits of the 70s on 16 540 ABCwith news ID at 1836 S10 Also on 549with short audio delay Also on 593 The bandseems to be full of ABC stations 585 3WVA BC with oldies on 1852 Nice songs Speakeron 1855 then with more ‘modern’ songs S20 ID at 190 Netting on the band instead of lone listening? Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole &2x16 mΛ &3x9m Δ Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios my main web pages _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list