An exciting catch, given the current political situtation: (Not an uncommon type of message actually, but right now nobody wants to hear rockets firing in the waters between Russia and Ukraine! And if you want to freak your XYL, take pencil notes in morse code along with Russian letters with your dx headphones on, haha)5916 kHz, Russian Navy RCV Sevastopol (Crimea), CW Messages, 30 Jan 2022, 1014 UTC, Strong and clear into the Ukrainian Kirovohrad KiwiSDR. Message as follows: (Original) RIC87 RIC87 RIC87 DE RCV RCV QTC 216 49 30 0940 216 - PRIP TAGANROG 15KR II II TAGANROG 15KN RTA 32121 AZOWSKOE MORE UChENIYa WMS STREL'BY RAKETNYE I ARTILLERIJSKIE 01 PO 28 FEW 0500 DO 1700 EZhEDNEWNO KROME WOSKRESENIJ PLAWANIE WREMENNO OPASNO RAJONE 45/48/6 S 036/55/7 W 45/38/6 S 037/10/0 W 45/27/0 S 037/10/0 W 45/32/4 S 036/55/7 W OTM ÄTOT NR 281800 FEV+ (Translation into human English:) RIC87 this is RCV Coastal Warning Taganrog Azov Sea - Navy Training Rocket and artillery fire from 01 to 28 February, time 05:00 to 17:00 Daily except Sundays Navigation temporarily hazardous within the following region: 45°48.6' N 36°55.7' E 45°38.6' N 37°10.0' E 45°27.0' N 37°10.0' E 45°32.4' N 36°55.7' E Cancel this message 28 February 18:00 WMS = Woenno-Morskie sily = 'Military Maritime Forces' = Navy PRIP = Priberezhnoe preduprezhdenia = Coastal warning The coordinates are in the Azov Sea, just a bit northeast of the bridge between Krasnodar region and Crimea. 73! Eike Wiesbaden, Germany _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list