Correcting frequency, 15680 not 15685, and another typo:
** GERMANY [non]. 15680, Jan 25 at 1547, S8/S9+10 sounds like German, so it can`t be DWelle --- but listed as MALgache from AWR Talata, MADAGASCAR relay! Oops, MAL there stands for Malayalam, which is a language in India, not Malaysia; as on page 499, WRTH 2022 under where else, Thailand. Up the dial, 15770 definitely in German, so can`t be DW either: WRMI must be a segment in the multilingual SMTV, which EiBi and Aoki both imagine be all-English, which seems to be the default for programmers such as SMTV, too lazy to be explicit (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
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