Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs - SAQ Reports ?an Incredible Number? of Listeners for July 4 Transmissions. ARRL, August 8, 2021 - [WOR] Tropical Bands Monitor Aug update - [WOR] Fw: [bdxc-news] Afghanistan DX Guide - [WOR] The Desert Whooper Beacon 4095.65 KHz - Corrections - Payouts to hit creators plummeted by nearly 50% amid the pandemic. Rus-DX - UVB-76 number station, The shortwave ghost station from Russia. Rus-DX - Enigma: la misteriosa radio que opera desde hace 45 años sin que nadie sepa quién la maneja. - Portable radio "VEF-202". Rus-DX - Radio Afghanistan QSL (1984). - YouTube WEBINAR - V1.41 of SDRuno. SDRplay Software Defined Radio Receiver
- Postal stamp to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation - KABUL TODAY - [WOR] DXing illegal US church broadcasts? - NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com> - The Ultimate AM DXing Base in Lapland is also Available for Rent - AFGHANISTAN IN FOCUS ALSO ON SHORTWAVES - [WOR] Fw: [bdxc-news] SW radios confiscated in Myanmar - [WOR] Iceland - old antenna system removed. Google Translated: - Alexander Kremov, Andrey Khrustalev "I want to go to the radio" or why it is not worth working on the radio ". Rus-DX - Kurzwellen-Sender Zeesen - JRC receiver NRD-630 - CIA vs Soviet radar: how to find a needle in a haystack using the moon. Rus-DX - Utdrag ur Krigens Dagbok. Jarle Synnevåg, DX Listeners? Club - Radio Progreso transmitting plant on Quivican. José Ibrahin Pose Morera - Pacific-Asian Log (PAL) Guide - DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1983.pdf