** MEXICO. Re 770, XEFRTM, Zacatecas, here`s another report of it just received:
``770 MÉXICO XEFRM , Fresnillo. MAR 28 0453 – fair mixing with CHQR/KATL/KKOB while local KTTH was having automation problems. Sounded like Fútbol game, or highlights from an earlier game. IDed with the help of James Niven who confirmed this was //"W Radio" outlets XEX-730 and XEW-990 . This is a new 25 kW "W Radio" outlet that's been on the air for a few months. [BP-WA] BRUCE PORTZER, Seattle WA. Perseus receiver with terminated outdoor 10'x40' delta loops`` (DXWW edited by Brandon Jordan who is retiring and a successor is needed, IRCA DX Monitor March 13, published March 8) ** SPAIN [and non]. 9690, REE frequency for N America, is still down - nothing at 2203 check March 8 tho Europe propagates e.g. 9420 Greece. There are signals from the other three Noblejas transmitters, 12030, 11940 and even 11685, always the weakest for Africa vs RTTY 11687.5, presumably NAU Puerto Rico. So another token English broadcast is likely missed for us at 2300-2330 Monday but not checked then. However, by 0154 UT March 9 at Bonaire TWR SDR, 11940 thataway is S8-S9, nothing on 9690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1040, re `Red Eye Radio` heard under WHO must be the only RER affiliate listed, WYSL, Avon NY --- the following may be more likely, from Greg Hardison on the WOR iog: ``"``Red Eye Radio``, the competing slightly more rational? national talkshow..." --- I believe WHBO is carrying this also on 1040 with a 24 hr ND signal under STA; I've noticed the RER website is somewhat pitifully non-updated in its allegations of affiliates listed. RER is indeed about as "rational" as blind, deaf, dumb, mindlessly unquestioning obsequious groveling worship of Trump ever gets.`` WHBO is in Pinellas Park FL, when not STA, nominally U2 3600/420 watts, per NRC AM Log, NWS/tlk, only net shown with WW1. But RER is part of Westwood One, as on their program schedule https://www.newstalkflorida.com/radio-lineup/ at 1-5 am weekdays, 1-6 am weekends - EST, soon shifting to EDT = 05-09 & 05-10 UT respectively. Supposedly only 105 watts per: Letter from FCC on file dated February 19, 2021: ``This is in reference to the request filed on February 11, 2021. Genesis has requested a further extension of the STA granted on August 28, *2006*, as modified to continue operating ND at night with reduced power to allow time to file the required FCC Form 301 application to propose a new two tower nighttime array (due to the past removal of one of the nighttime towers).1 In support of the request, Genesis stated that it plans to file the application to propose a new nighttime two tower directional antenna pattern within the next 30 days. [...] Accordingly, the request for extension of the STA IS HEREBY GRANTED, and Genesis may continue to operate ND at night with a maximum of 0.105 kW using the daytime site tower, with no change to the licensed daytime operation. Genesis must reduce nighttime power or cease operation if complaints of interference are received, and use whatever means are necessary to protect workers and the public from exposure to radio frequency radiation in excess of the Commission’s exposure guidelines. See 47 CFR § 1.1310. This authority expires on August 18, 2021. Sincerely, [signed] Joseph Szczesny, Engineer, Audio Division, Media Bureau`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1510, March 9 at 0023 UT, S9+10/20 of dead air suppressing sound from understation presumed WLAC; i.e. this is another screwup by KCTE, DFed from the NE direxion of Independence MO. Well at least this post-sunset daytimer is not off-frequency and not modulating: two out of three, how bad is that? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VENEZUELA [non]. 7500, March 9 at 0148, zero signal into Bonaire SDR from ROCV. Was yesterday its only test day? Not on ex-6906 nor ex-6200 either. What be next? 7495, I do notice however, some language S7 aside 7500. EiBi shows it`s VOA Radio Ashna in Pashto to Afghanistan via KUWAIT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0538 UT March 9