** CANADA [and non]. 335-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0646 UT, dash and YLD, which is 1000-watt NDB at Chapleau, Ontario.
332-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0648 UT, dash and QT, 1000-watt NDB at Thunder Bay, Ontario, as usual way atop nearby IC in wIChita, Kansas. 290-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0652 UT, dash and QR, 100-watt NDB at Regina, Saskatchewan. 276-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0654 UT, dash and YEL, 200 watt NDB at ELliot Lake, Ontario. 248-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0658 UT, dash and WG, 1000-watt NDB at Winnipeg, Manitoba. This one stands out with much bigger signal than any of the other Canadians, usually skipped re-logging it. Hardly any are closer (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13413-trace, 13488 S4 vs CODAR S9, 13559 S8-S9, 13629 S9+10, 13771 S9/+10, 13842 S9 way over JBA 13845 WWCR, 13913 S4, 13982 S2/3, 14053 S1, 14124-trace, all approx., Feb 9 from 1512 not in the order tuned, distorted FMish spurblobs with F# tone from fundamental 13700-AM RHC during `Sonido Cubano` music at approx. 71-kHz intervals, this time extending even into the 20-m hamband. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** LIBERIA. Re my unID on 6049.975, here`s another, from Wolfgang Bueschel: ``6049.975 kHz Tentatively Radio ELWA Liberia, at 0626 UT Feb 9 JBA threshold level, poor and tiny -112dBm!`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 350-MCW kHz, 341-MCW kHz, 255-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0645-0659 UT, all three of our major ND beacons, RG in OKC, EI in Enid, and SW in Stillwater are AWOL, presumably due to frigid weather, slick runways, etc. At first I wonder if my own icy antenna be down, till non-Okies show up. Also occasional lightning crashes from storms along the LA-MS-AL-FL Gulf coast. See too, USA for what else may be heard. And, big deal, say the q.v. Canadians still running. Recheck at 1720 UT, all three still off; we won`t have much meltage for several days with highs well below freezing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 263-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0657, CVM, 25-watt NDB at Alton - CiVic Memorial, Illinois. 257-MCW kHz, Feb 9 at 0659 UT, in the absence of nearby SW in Stillwater OK, tuned to 255, I hear two very weak others mixing; one of which seems F#K or F#C --- only fit is 25 watts on 257, FWC, Fairfield - Wayne County, Illinois (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 3308-USB, Feb 9 at 0225, MARS net 5TX1 led by AFA5FE, mostly JBA vs S6 noise level; discussing virus shots, primarily abbr`d calls such as 5FE, 5QI, 5KK, but uttered fonetikaly. Also about ``two R-I`s have been issued, effective until December 31``. What`s an R-I, in MARSpeak? I suspect this net be in TXas. Broad search on AFA5FE leads first to mint green as a hex color code, but not to license plates in the remaining 5 pages. This huge reference of utility postal addresses stopped in 2004y http://radiokoteg.kiev.ua/RS/FREQ/2182/Coastal%20Radio.txt and leads to AFA5FE as William H. Greene in Morrison, Colorado; but that was 22+ years ago. No het from 3310 where used to be an Enid KGWA/KCRC mixing product, nor Mosoj Chaski (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 610, Feb 9 at 0144 UT, S9 of dead air from KCSP Kansas City MO, but some JBA talk either from KCSP barely modulated, or an understation. Like this for at least 2 minutes I stay with it. If a station will not have anyhuman staff listening to itself, how can they expect the public to do so? Radio-lccator.com shows site as a smidgen west of Stateline toward Overland Park, KANSAS. Harold Frodge puts it in Prairie Village KS. Both KCSP and KYYS in separate report are Entercom outlets, reversing state lines. I suspect lots of seemingly ethnic Spanish stations are really owned by Anglo groups (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. Broadcasting Information column in new IRCA DX Monitor Feb 13 but published Feb 8 includes: ``1250 KYYS Kansas City, KS old slogan: “La X 1250-La Súper Estación”, new: “La X 1250” --- Column data span: January 23-February 06 2021, Data courtesy of stationintel.com, FCC database and member contributions.`` I wonder which reported that, exactly? This implies that they have dropped ``La Súper Estación`` from their slogan IDs. I rather doubt this, and since KYYS is the dominant, tho QRMed night signal on 1250 here, I monitor it UT February 9. Before 0200 there is a talk show, but ToH ID goes ``La Equis, 1250, la número uno, La Súper Estación``. FCC call KYYS, and Kansas City, Kansas need to be mentioned too, and I may have missed them. Mostly music after 0200, but some more IDs at 0244, 0309, 0352 continue to include ``La Súper Estación``. Non-IDs are frequent with some variations, additional slogans, but always end with L-S-E-. The last two heard via the closest KiwiSDR remote in KS, by KD4SHO, whose map puts it around Shawnee Mission, greater KC/KS, but with remarkably poor `local` reception. Quite possibly someone heard KYYS sometime without L-S-E- but that does not mean it is official, permanent and irrevocable, and I suspect the same goes for some other ``changes`` rounded up for what is nevertheless a useful reference. BTW, the night coverage map at https://radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/pat?call=KYYS&service=AM&h=N&z=i shows site is definitely on the MISSOURI side, south of Liberty with a bit of a notch toward Overland Park and Enid. Harold Frodge attaches the site to River Bend MO. See also 610 KCSP log (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 1748 UT February 9 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/