Local reception :
3920nothing 5790 nosignal at 0959 nor later 5810-100dbm carrier depth 15 db 7700 -110carrier/120dbm noise Form websdrin DK listening to FRS with somebreakouts with around -75dbm FRS holland ID as 1000 and more music1001 a rock song LIstened to around 15 minetes only via Web SDR with rock msuic for all this time MY local reception was practially nil https://sites.google.com/site/zliangas/sdr
Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/