#270 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP (GG66rg), BRAZIL - December 21, 2020 (RG) - Rudolf Grimm, PY2-81502 SWL . Rx: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL São Bernardo) + PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna. . Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language . Times in UTC. ************************************************************ ANTARCTICA - ATA, 15475,97 kHz: Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, Spanish, 19/12 1402-1420. Talk about LRA36 services, '...la familia tiene una gran importancia...', female voice, Argentinian style song. Id by male voice: 'Radio Nacional, Antartida Argentina'. 25552 / 35553 (RG). Presumed, the first transmission from a new Argentinian team in Antarctica. A good signal in São Bernardo SP, Southeastern Brazil.
BRAZIL - B, 11910 kHz (DRM): Radio Nacional, Brasilia DF, 17/12 1115. Brazilian songs, YL: songs ids, id 'Nacional FM'. 35543 (RG). This must be Radio Nacional FM, Brasilia, 96,1 MHz via 11910 kHz DRM. 15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 20/12 1947. Brazilian songs. Female voice: 'Tom Brasil'. 25442 (RG). // transmission w/6010 kHz. CHINA - CHN, 6075 kHz: PBS Qinghai, Yushu, Chinese, 21/12 0105. Talk by male voice. Chinese instrumental music. 25422 (RG). ESWATINI - SWZ, 11660 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Amharic, 20/12 1703. Talk by female voice, Christian song. 35333 (RG). Tx w/13° Az to Northeastern Africa. 15105 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, French, 20/12 1949. Christian program, male voice: contact address, instrumental music, TWR Africa interval signal, 1950 Sign-off. 35553 (RG). Tx w/343° Az to Northern Africa. FRANCE - F, 15285 kHz: Radio Manara International, via Issoudun, Hausa, 20/12 1645. Talk about Nigeria, Manara, Manara Radio... by male voice. Phone-in. 35543 (RG). Tx w/170° Az to Africa. 15350 kHz: Deutsche Welle, via Issoudun, Hausa, 19/12 1502. Sport transmission by two ladies. Mention to 'Armenia...'. (Soccer?). 35553 (RG). Tx w/172° Az to Northwestern Africa. GERMANY - D, 15690 kHz: Radio Farda, via Lampertheim, Persian, 19/12 1520. Talk by male voice, songs in Persian style. 25532 (RG). Tx w/104° Az to Asia. JAPAN - J, 6055 kHz: Radio Nikkei 1, Chiba, Japanese, 19/12 0932. A happy communication from male and female speakers. 25442 (RG). Tx w/64° Az to Western USA / Canada. KUWAIT - KWT, 5860 kHz: Radio Farda, Kuwait City, Persian, 21/12 0055. A Song in Persian style, comunnication by female speaker, 'Radio Farda'. 35543 (RG). Tx w/58° Az to Asia. MADAGASCAR - MDG, 15150 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Talata-Volondry, Punjabi, 19/12 1525. Christian program, message by male voice, prayer, a song. 25422 (RG). Tx w/35° Az to India. MALI - MLI, 9635 kHz: Radio Mali, Bamako, French, 18/12 1540. African style instrumental music. 35543 (RG). MYANMAR - BRM, 6165 kHz: Thazin Radio (pres.), Naypyidaw, Sgaw Karen, 21/12 0115. Typical songs, Talk by male voice. Music by guitar. 15421 (RG). The best reception was using USB, filtering on KiwiSDR and a headphone. Enough to understand the transmission. PHILIPPINES - PHL, 15330 kHz: FEBA Radio, Bocaue, Mon, 17/12 1132. Christian song, message by male voice. 35543 (RG). Tx w/278° Az to Southern Asia. SAUDI ARABIA - ARS, 15120 kHz: Radio Saudi International, Riyadh, Bengali, 17/12 1127. Male voice communication, talk in Arabic language. 35553 (RG). Tx w/70° Az to India. 21670 kHz: Radio Saudi International, Riyadh, Indonesian, 17/12 1150. Male voice communication in Indonesian language. 25432 (RG). Tx w/100° Az do Southeastern Asia. SRI LANKA - CLN, 11985 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Trincomalee, Urdu, 20/12 1605. Male voice communication, message, instrumental music. 25542 (RG). Tx w/345° Az to India. 15610 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Trincomalee, Shan, 17/12 1135. Talk by female voice, instrumental music, Christian transmission. 35543 (RG). Tx w/45° to Southeastern Asia. SUDAN - SDN, 9505 kHz: Voice of Africa, Al Fitahab, English, 20/12 1720. Talk by male voice. 'Welcome... Sudan'. 25322 (RG). Tx w/210° Az to Africa. TURKEY - TUR, 15350 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, 17/12 1136. Talk by male voice. Song. 35543 (RG). Tx w/310° Az to Europe. 15480 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, 17/12 1142. Talk by male voice. 25542 (RG). Tx w/150° Az to Southern Asia. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - USA, 5970 kHz: WEWN, Vandiver, Spanish, 19/12 0937. Religious program, talk by male voice. 35333 (RG). Tx w/160° Az to Central America. 15810 kHz: WTWW Dave Ramsey Show (t), Lebanon, English, 20/12 1940. Talk show by male voices. 15321 (RG). Reception using a headphone. VATICAN CITY - CVA, 15400 kHz: Radio Tamazuj, via Sta. Maria di Galeria, Juba Arabic, 19/12 1510. Talk by male voice about 'Sudan, Africa'. Interview. 25542 (RG). Tx w/138° Az do Northeastern Africa. ************************************************************ Scanned by McAfee and confirmed virus-free. Find out more here: https://bit.ly/2zCJMrO _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/