Re Mexicothis Dec 19 morning: 6184.972 MEX XEPPM R Educacion Saturday Dec 19 log, noted in Cape Canaveral, FL state, 01.30-02.30 UT 9670even TJK RFA Tibetan sce from Orzu Tajikistan, at 01.40 UT, and 9665.109 BRA R Voz Missionaria, BrasPort, varying in fq 4 - 5 Hertz up and down. At 01.43 and 07.53 UT. 4764.999 CUB tonight a single Hz on lower side, Radio Progreso Bejucal, at 01.45 UT Dec 19, scheduled 00.30-04.00 UT. Once again extremely lovely Latin American music program, great canciones, S=9+20dB signal on various FL, NJ, NY, and MI states. CUBA 4764.999 kHz The Progreso radio program in 60 mb should be proposed as Award to the UN Cultural Heritage Committee. 6159.928 USA WBCQ an older lower power TX unit in use, S=5-6 or -98dBm strength measured at 01.56 UT. 5810 and 5875 kHz hopping OTHR in North America, 01.59 UT on Dec 19. 5910even ROU RRI Tiganesti, syphonic orchestra perfromance at 0159, and stn ID at 02.00 UT. S=9+25dB same power level like 5970 Catholic radio WEWN Spanish 6049.997 EQA HCJB Quito in Quechua language, domestic mx, 02.06 UT, S=8-9 in Cape Canaveral FL. 6169.996 UAE FEBA 'Radio Pakistan' in Urd, from ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing Babcock, Al Dhabbaya relay. S=8-9 much fluttery, 02.08 UT on Dec 19. 6180even CUB CRI Beijing Chinese, via Latin American relay site at Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW powerful S=9+30dB at 02.10 UT. and underneath also 6180.008 kHz string measured, R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 02.12 UT. 6184.972 MEX XEPPM R Educacion, orchestra mx program at 02.13 UT Dec 19. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 19) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Howard" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2020 10:02 PM Subject: [WOR] Mexico - Radio Educación with extended broadcastMEXICO. 6185, XEPPM - Radio Educación, with extended broadcast. On Dec 19, noted with Mexican music/singing at 1122 UT; suspect went off about 1200(?); fairly good signal; no CHBC (China) QRM. Thanks very much to the timely alert from Ralph Perry, who also observed them running later yesterday.
Ron Asilomar State Beach, Calif. - CR-1, antenna: 100' long wire_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list