A strong signal can be expected in the target area Ce & SoAfrica.http://caruaru.kiwisdr.com.br:8073/
2100-2130 11880 BAU 100 100 SoAf French Africa ex7380
2130-2200 11880 BAU 100 100 SoAf Portuguese Africa ex7380
2200-2300 11880 BAU 100 100 SoAf English Africa ex7380
antenna Bauta #3, HRS4/4/0.8, 130degr minus 30degr slewed
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ex 15370 kHz, now on 13680 kHz:
2030-2100 13680 BAU 100 40 WeEu French Europe
A-2 antenna 10degr +30degr slewed
2100-2130 13680 BAU 100 40 WeEu Portuguese Europe
2130-2200 13680 BAU 100 40 WeEu Arabic Europe
2200-2400 13680 BAU 100 40 WeEu Spanish Europe
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Chile outlet ex 11800 kHz now on
2200-0600 11850 QVC 250 170 SoAM Spanish Chile
and two accompanied spurs nearby on 11840 and 11860 kHz.
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Brazil outlet ex 11700 kHz
2300-2400 15230 QVC 250 160 SoAm Portuguese Buenos Aires ex11700
0000-0600 15230 QVC 250 160 SoAm Spanish Buenos Aires ex11700
This is the determined schedule frame.
The expectations of the listener are not always correctly and truthfully
The planned RHC schedule is not always implemented correctly. And can
change in timing and frequency channel from day to day.
73 wb df5sx