#266 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP, BRAZIL - November 16, 2020 (RG) - Rudolf Grimm, PY2-81502 SWL . Rx: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo SP, my local equipment) + PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna. . Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language. . Times in UTC. ************************************************************ ARGENTINA - ARG, 900 kHz: Radio Provincia (pres.), Corrientes, Spanish, 15/11 0442. Several advs mentioning Corrientes, adresses in Corrientes. 34543 (RG). A good signal!!!!!
AUSTRIA - AUT, 6155 kHz: Radio Oesterreich International, Germany, 30/10 0640. News bulletin, classic music. 35553 (RG). Tx to Europe. FRANCE - F, 5925 kHz: Radio France International, French, 30/10 0645. News by male and female speakers, talk. 35553 (RG). Tx w/195° Az to Northwestern Africa. JAPAN - J, 9895 kHz: NHK World Radio Japan, via Yamata, Japanese, 30/10 1905. News, instrumental music. 35553 (RG). Tx w/305° Az to Eastern Asia. LIBERIA - LBR, 6050 kHz: ELWA, Monrovia, English, 30/10 0620. Christian message by male voice, song, Bible Reading. 25552 (RG). Regional tx. ROMANIA - ROU, 9490 kHz (DRM): Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, Spanish, 16/11 2210. News by female speaker. 'Radio Romania International'. 35553 (RG). Tx w/247° Az to South America. UNITED KINGDOM - G, 9635 kHz: Radio Ndarason International, via Woofferton, Kanuri, 30/10 1835. Talk by male voice announcer, song in African style. 35543 (RG). Tx w/152 ° Az to Africa. ...................................................................................................................... ### New updated edition of QSL.window (November 2020). Access the link on the blog http://dxways-br.blogspot.com, at the beginning, on the right side, first link. Free access, only QSL.window data used in other publications is asked to mention the source of the information. ************************************************************ _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/