7890kHz (Second harmonic 2 x 3945), R. Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Port Vila; 12/11, 0815 – 0827 english pop music selections. Poor to fair, third harmonic 11835kHz loosing to 11840kHz chinese QRM, slow deteriorating over listening (LOB).
https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/vanuatu7890khz2h0815utc1211202?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1 11835kHz (Third harmonic 3 x 3945), R. Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Port Vila; 13/11, 0735 – 0743 male talks, male and female on percussion music. Earlier than ususal fair signal, less QRM, poor to fair (LOB). https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/vanuatu11835khz3h0735utc131120?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1 3945kHz, R. Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Port Vila; 13/11, 0803 – 0823 female talks, male, pacific music. Weaker than third harmonic 11835kHz, poor (LOB).. https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/vanuatu3945khz0803utc13112020?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1 7890kHz (Second harmonic 2 x 3945), R. Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Port Vila; 14/11, 0739 – 0745 two male in conversation. Poor (LOB). https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/vanuatu7890khz2h0739utc1411202?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1 7890kHz (Second harmonic 2 x 3945), R. Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Port Vila; 14/11, 0800 – 0809 male ToH announcements, tribal music . Very poor (LOB). https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/vanuatu7890khz2h0800utc1411202?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1 11835kHz (Third harmonic 3 x 3945), R. Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Port Vila; 14/11, 0820 – 0825 female talks. Later than ususal fair signal, at 0824 QRM increase, poor (fair and clear by short moment) (LOB). https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/vanuatu11835khz3h0820utc141120?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1 Tecsun PL310et Wire 14m, dipole 18m Embu SP Brasil Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/