Legend :
## /light blue screshot available in FC pages $ $ /green remote kiwi reception &&/yellow otherequipment reception – mostly PL380 4/11 15105 TWRin Lingala as noted in eibi 1958 with -76dbm 9455 firedrake2038 against RFA -76dbm 9720 CRI inbulgarian (?? So sounds to me but Eibi agrees ) at 2041 with -65dbm 3955 KBS2058 in german ending with -55/95dbm 1706 Slavicpirate with -70dbm at2021 and Slavic trad songs Also another on 1720 Greek pir on 1760 with oldies and sudden soff -72dbm /120 then ack with western ! 1650 greekwith oldies 2025 -68dbm Vorioi , Sylvania and more 5/11 ##11287.7# talks in USB in Ru 1459 re the re airplanesstill using this ‘ancient’ tech? ##11629.777 Radio Kuwait man praying Koranic psalms asper wib it is Kuwait surely new freq a wandering buzzer is in 11628 and wandersin sinusoidal way in between 700Hz Thre is screenshot in two FC pages 11297U Russianmeteo at 1456 with 32db SNR 11600 ToMman 1503 with typical prays -87/120 dbm with QRM from a FSK signal on 11598 center signal 11745 ALazm ARS 1514 with -84dbm and ID 1514 sawt am azm 11815VO Turkey with discussion in TK qrm on 11812 by FSK of 50 bd 11850 VoAin Hausa 1530 with signal -60db/120 with talks and discussions 12040 AWRsigning on with a few IDs then programin Amharic 1631 12151.5talks in poss. Afro lang or a Latin derivations -115dbm ##12375spur of RNE of -45dbm on 12030 with a signal of -110dbm time 1615 and then 15260 VoAin Hausa? With ID no lang heard at1639 with news vt Kosovo -65dbm no info on eibi 15285 1641in seems as Amharic with talks -85dbm difficult to listen due to the artifactsoff 1659 together with 15260 . Posibly also VOA?? NO info on eibi >> aokilists Manara in Hausa 6975-95 Kontaynersignal with -85dbm on 1600 729 ERAwith -65dbm and new son 1600 with very sad news on the Covid case 6/11 17195 at 13z innearly the mean a Kontayner type of OTHR? With different sound $ $ 518 Tport radio K signing on 1538 while listeningto the westerork kiwi in the NL . -63dbm over -104dbm noise &&6015 XinjiangPBS Kazakh 2330? With traditional music then ID Xinjiang … stanjiesheng three times then news in KZ received withPL380 + 8 m + att in the bed before sleeping Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list