Monitoring from Latin América
4955kHz, R. Cultura Amauta, Peru, Huanta; 02/11, 2331 – 2349 male and female in Spanish announcements, ads “pequeno pagamiento....dia de la cancione mexicana...” (some ads have around one minute), seems news program. Better than ususal, few words readable, fair; from 2343 deteriorating (LOB). #SoundCloud 4775kHz, R. Tarma, Peru, Tarma; 02-03/11, 2352 - 0003 male in Spanish talks ads “estruturas metálicas...”, ID, local pop music. Readable, fair to good (good few moments) (LOB). #SoundCloud 3310kHz, R. Mosoi Chaski, Bolivia, Cochabamba; 03/11, 0005 – 0011 local pop music, male announcements in quechua. After listening to the recording with this clear signal, i think i shoud record a little more. Good, clear (LOB). #SoundCloud 7582kHz, Voice of Korea, Korea North; 03/11, 0802 – 0809 male and female short announcements in japanese alternating orchestral music. Strong, clear //9650 (LOB). #SoundCloud 15515kHz, R. Kuwait, Kwait, Sulaibiyah; 03/11, 0814 – 0818 male studio conversation between male outside in arabic. Fair, some fade (LOB). #SoundCloud 4764kHz, R. Huanta 2000, Peru, Huanta; 04/11, 0001 – 0007 local pop music, ToH emotional message. It was not this time that i heard that expected strong and clear signal, fair, fady, het (LOB). #SoundCloud 9445kHz, Voice of Korea, Korea North; 04/11, 0814 – 0818 choral female music, female in chinese announcements. Strong, clear (LOB). #SoundCloud Tecsun PL310et Wire 14m, dipole 18m Embu SP Brasil Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list