This info originated with Chris Gay, KU4A on the WOR iog:
``I just learned that 840 WHAS will go off the air again tonight for tower maintenance starting at midnight EDT (0400Z). The length of the outage was not announced.`` 73, Glenn Hauser On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 02:58:48 AM GMT+1, Les Rayburn <> wrote:
With thanks to Paul in Connecticut and the WoR group, the Courtesy Program Committee is happy to pass along the following notification:
I just learned that 840 WHAS will go off the air again tonight for tower maintenance starting at midnight EDT (0400Z). The length of the outage was not announced. Tune in just before a little B/4 midnight JIC. Regards Paul S. in CT FN31nl _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list