re: 3 x 100 kW Palau T8WH, probably TEST broadcasts of RFA USAM on Oct 7 / 8Kraig there is a 14.200 kilometers long distance path from Palau east of Philippines towards Virgina in extreme east of US States. At 30degrees azimuth, propagation would never work properly into eastern US / Canada. Palau main azimuths, used in past decades: 270degr towards PHL, VTN, LAO, CBG, THA, MLA, SNG, INS 318degr towards CHN, TWN / Fujian, Xian - Beijing 345degr towards Okinawa, JPN, KOR, KRE D.P.R., Transbaikal Chita, Siberia 73 wb ----- Original Message ----- From: swl_dx <>
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 2:34 AM Subject: Re: [WOR] Test transmission of Radio Free Asia via T8WH Angel 4 on October 8 I checked 9955 kHz on October 8, 2020 from before 1230 UTC until after 1400 UTC. Only station I heard was WRMI. At 1230 UTC a Spanish language program with a feature on Radio Berlin International. 73,Kraig Krist, KG4LACManassas, VA _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list