** BRAZIL. 11780, Sept 8 at 2147, once again RNA music is undermodulated, suptorted but S9 fading to S3; only a JBA carrier on 6180 this early. Many 6180 stations but nothing else scheduled at this hour. By 0057 UT Sept 9, 6180 is OK // still distorted 11780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 730, Sept 8 at 0630 UT, as I tune in, a promo for CKDM player options. That`s Dauphin, Manitoba, U2 10/5 kW. Night pattern is supposedly a broad cardioid with a null due south right toward me, and to boot, I am listening on the E-W-favoring longwire. 730 has proven to be an interesting DX frequency: only low-powers at night in the US, as it`s a Mexican/Canadian `clear`, for CDMX, Montreal, Vancouver, not to mention Dauphin in between. It seems that XEX is no longer a factor: originally 100/100 kW ND, it can`t be anywhere near that power any more (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CANADA. 14670-CUSB, Sept 8 at 2142, no signal from CHU, and have also found it inaudible several daytime chex when it ought to propagate even under current conditions. 7850-CUSB is audible now and better in the evenings. At 0048 Sept 9, 3330-CUSB is also audible, and maybe a JBA carrier on 14670? I wonder if the higher frequency has been down, as one of their frequencies has been out of order before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA. CNR1 way-out-of-band jammer survey, Sept 8 at 1349-1400: none in the 16s, 15s; 14850 JBA S4-S5 Chinese; 14700; 13835; 11150 S3-S5; 10920; 1359 9300 S5-S7, TS to 1400* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 4765, Sept 9 at 0046 check, R. Progreso is still absent, kaput? Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 15340, Sept 8 at 2136, surprise, RHC Spanish is here instead of 15370, S9+30 with contact info, overmodulated and distorted. Could be a keypad punch-up error if RHC have such sophisticated equipment, altho I vaguely recall RHC once used 15340 years ago and maybe still in their database. Something`s always wrong at RHC; we`ll see if it rehappen. // 13740 good modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 13670, Sept 8 at 1353, S5-S7 narration in English: it`s CRI this hour, via Kashi, land of ChiCom persecution of Uyghurs. Later at 1800 will be occupied by MWV in English which I get on the caradio (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EUROPE. 5780, re my unID JBA carrier here often in evenings, such as Sept 2 at 0324, could it be Europirate Harmony Radio, if they are on air all-night? Yes, per these NASWA Flashsheet logs: ``5780 PIRATE (EUROPE.) Harmony Radio, 0107, 9/4/20. A pretty good signal tonight playing "It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing" by, I think, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. (Perry-Il) 5780 PIRATE (Europe.) Harmony Radio, 0257, 9/4/20. Instrumental music, ballad, into a series of show tunes, ID into “I love Paris in the springtime” and other show tunes. Poor – fair. Nice to hear a Europirate this far West. (Taylor-WI)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** GERMANY [and non]. Uncle Bill Tilford`s reply to my QSL reports of his specials on Channel 292 and on WBCQ, accompanying these eQSLs http://www.w4uvh.net/showcase292eqslHAUSER.pdf http://www.w4uvh.net/WBCQworksHAUSER.pdf which have now been added as #98 and #99 to my QSL gallery: http://www.worldofradio.com/QSL.html ``Glenn, Thanks for writing about us and for your reports, eQSLs attached for the two specials, let me know if you want something for the UBMP fragment. A few informational items: -Channel 292 uses the English pronunciation (except for a long "a" in Radio) for their IDs even in their full German language mode, probably for marketing and branding reasons. When I first began with them I did full Deutsch only to change later to conform with their usage. -On WBCQ, the half hour before Camp Constitution is still an available time slot. UBMP is an hour-long program, but I'm told that WBCQ frequently uses the first half of it as filler in lieu of board audio. It's not an official broadcast of UBMP, the full hour is Sundays right after Marion's Attic on 7490 kHz (2200-2300 UTC right now). If people are enjoying the half hour interlude in the meantime, works for me. The Sunday tx is not a good option on terrestrial where you live during the summer months but should become practical as winter approaches. Meanwhile you westerners have a special dispensation to enjoy the webcast while it's there :) I like the Marion's Attic - UBMP - Le Show sequencing too much to reschedule away from it. -For Channel 292, 6070 and 9670 are apparently both in long skip mode at night in Europe. When we scheduled the broadcast a couple of months ago we had reason to believe that long skip would not become an issue until October, obviously things turned out differently. 9670 even landed in New England, and there are quite a few reports of the special from Russia. - There will definitely be Thanksgiving and New Year's specials on WBCQ and probably a New Year's special on Radio Channel 292. We have already had some correspondence from listeners letting us know that they became interested in a new (for them) program or two by listening to these. Thanks for all you do for radio. 73,`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MADAGASCAR. 9765, Sept 8 at 2153, Jesus song in African English, announcer talkover, ``World Christian Broadcasting``, yet this is the Portuguese/Brazilian hour of MWV; much stronger as always the simultaneous Chinese hour to Europe! on 11610 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 341-MCW kHz, Sept 8 circa 1900 UT, ND beacon at Woodring Airport, I haven`t paid attention to DFing, but from inside Enid to my surprise, it`s almost SE, while the AP is almost due east. Circa 1915 I drive out east on US 412 to the airport turnoff due north of the new terminal, and DF from there is due south; so 341 must be transmitting from considerably south of the runways. One of these days I`d like to visit it, if I have plenty of time and access, permission on backroads. For now as a bonus I pick up some high-calorie takeout from Carls Jr (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 9830, Sept 8 at 2206, no signal at UTwente from VOT English, another day off. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 13565-CW, Sept 8 at 1354, K6FRC IDs over and over, JBA HIFER beacon from Patterson CA, as occasionally heard despite published power of only 1.8 milliwatts, and standard remark about whether it`s continuous or not (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7505, Sept 9 at 0059, still no WRNO (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 850, Sept 8 at 0636 UT, NO KOA, like last night around this time, leaving only something very weak on frequency. I`ve seen no other reports of this, not even from Colorado. Perhaps it`s reduced power so Aurorans would still hear it? Perhaps2 they`ve been off the air only after midnight for maintenance? Indeed, it`s on with usual blasting sicnal, UT Sept 9 at 0132 check with silly ballgame. If we could get rid of all this storm noise, would be a golden DX opportunity opening up 850 for DX. Will this continue? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VIETNAM [and non]. My observations last few days of VOV missing from WHRI 7315 relays including English at 0000 --- nor any Spanish at 0046 Sept 9 --- are now explained by Jeff White on this week`s AWR Wavescan, after quoting one of my previous logs of it wondering whether that would continue under WBCQ ownership: ``We have information that Voice of Vietnam relays from South Carolina, WHRI are going to be discontinued, most likely, as the station is planning to probably eliminate its shortwave broadcasts altogether, and it may do shortwave [sic] broadcasts to the United States via some local AM and FM stations`` This presumably comes from recent virtual-only B-20 HFCC conference. See whether any other broadcasts remain? WRTH A-20 English update: 0000-0030 daily NAm 7315hri 1000-1030 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni 1130-1200 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni 1230-1300 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni 1330-1400 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni 1500-1530 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni 1600-1630 daily Eu 7280vni, 9730vni 1600-1630 daily ME 7220vni 1900-1930 daily Eu 7280vni, 9730vni 2030-2100 daily ME 7220vni 2130-2200 daily Eu 7280vni, 9730vni 2330-2400 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni ``12020`` is particularly interesting, as we know it`s constantly way off-frequency about 12018.9. From Aoki/NDXC its complete schedule is now shown: 12019 1000-1030 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1030-1100 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1100-1130 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1130-1200 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1200-1230 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1230-1300 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1300-1330 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1330-1400 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1400-1430 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1430-1500 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1500-1530 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2200-2230 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2230-2300 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Chi Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2300-2330 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2330-2400 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 The x is not keyed but I think means deleted or no longer heard. After 2300 UT Sept 8 via remote in S Korea, no signals heard on 12019 or 9840 --- axually that too was always off-frequency-minus. Does WHRI continue relaying KBSWR in Spanish at 0100-0200 on 9605? I suppose so, meant to check, too late now (Glenn Hauser, OK) UNIDENTIFIED. 4940, Sept 9 at 0058, music is JBA maybe S7 between high storm noise level [HSNL] crashes, so looks worth checking on TWR Bonaire SDR: yes, like 3 nights ago, but not 1 or 2 nights ago, good S8-S9 and soon into monolog by preacher in Spanish, starts saying he is quarantined, right into biblical references. He keeps going with no breaks past 0200, but his background noise surges whenever he pauses even briefly: turn off the AVC! We really need an ID or at least some clue where this is coming from, so I keep half-listening until 0205 when that SDR bumps me off, but MEGO, altho near 100% readable, I am *not* going to pay rapt attention to this long-winded gospel huxter. Then try other SDRs: no good at DR, Boa Vista, Pardinho, Santiago; and Bogotá won`t work. 0237 try Bonaire again and get back on as he is *still* going, mentions Coronavirus, etc., a bit weaker at S6-S7. At 0259 suddenly stops sermonizing, NO ID!!! But over to YL plugging the lamontanacolombia.com website again, some credits, and then starts narrating `Capítulo 12` of something, mentioning ``Narnia`` several times; hmmm? Back on at 0346; still going with dialog. Enough for now, but it might keep going late into the night or all-night. See my previous discussion under PERU or unID: it could be Christian station Radio San Antonio, Perú, or something new established by Ethnic Radio to evangelize natives in Colombia, Venezuela; but all in Spanish so far, testing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 13093.6-USB, Sept 8 at 1354, 2-way in Spanish, noise, whistling; like heard better, 5 days earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING The Global Decline of Religion --- Giving Up on God By Ronald F. Inglehart, September/October 2020. Foreign Affairs ``...From about 2007 to 2019, the overwhelming majority of the countries we studied — 43 out of 49 — became less religious. The decline in belief was not confined to high-income countries and appeared across most of the world. Growing numbers of people no longer find religion a necessary source of support and meaning in their lives. Even the United States—long cited as proof that an economically advanced society can be strongly religious—has now joined other wealthy countries in moving away from religion...`` https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/world/2020-08-11/religion-giving-god (via Gerald T Pollard, NC) This report dispatched at 0350 UT September 9 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/