#254 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP, BRAZIL - September 06th, 2020 (RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) & Ibiuna SP (GG66hh) Rx: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 São Bernardo SP BRAZIL) Ant: PA0RDT Mini Whip Phone: Tecsun E-805 @ Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese. @ All times in UTC. ************************************************************ ALASKA - ALS, 9685 kHz World Christian Boadcasting KNLS, Anchorage, Chinese, 27/08 1016. A Christian communication (message?) by male voice. 27/08 1016. 15421 (RG). Tx w/285° Az to Eastern China.
BRAZIL - B, 1380 kHz Radio Barriga Verde, Capinzal SC, 31/08 0535. Brazilian song, time checking by male voice, 'Radio Barriga Verde', advs Capinzal. 25542 (RG). 4985 kHz Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 27/08 0925. Poor signal (?, normally better!!), Brazilian song, 'Radio Brasil Central'. 25542 (RG). CHINA - CHN, 6040 kHz PBS Nei Menggu, Hohhot, Mongolian, 27/08 0951. Talk by male and female voices. 25422 (RG). Tx w/263° Az, to Mongolian Region. CUBA - CUB, 5025 kHz Radio Rebelde, Bauta, Spanish, 27/08 0934. Talk by male voice, instrumental music. 25442 (RG). GERMANY - D, 6070 kHz Radio Channel 292 (t), via Rohrbach, English (?), 05/09 0505. Male communication, instrumental music, phone-in voice. 14321 (RG). DENMARK - DNK, 15805 kHz World Music Radio, via Randers, 06/09 1302. Songs and male communication. 15321 (RG). FRANCE - F, 6105 kHz NHK World Radio Japan, via Issoudun, Japanese, 03/09 0204. Communication by two ladies, a song by male voice. 35543 (RG). Tx w/290° Az to North America. HAWAII - HWA, 5000 kHz WWVH NIST, Kekaha, 27/08 0931. Time pips, TC by female voice. 25552 (RG). JAPAN - J, 6055 kHz Radio Nikkei 1, Chiba-Nagara, Japanese, 27/08 0954. Transmission in a cheerful tone by young people voices. 35543 (RG). Tx w/64° Az, I think this is a local Japanese transmission. MOROCCO - MRC, 171 kHz Radio Medi 1, Nador, Arabic, 05/09 0435. Songs, female communication. 25322 (RG). Better reception on grey line time in Morocco. MYANMAR - BRM, 9730 kHz Myanmar Radio (t), Yangon, Burmese (?), 27/08 1010. Talk by male and female announcers. 15421 (RG). Tx w/356° Az to Southern Asia. NEW ZEALAND - NZL, 5945 kHz RNZI, Rangitaiki, English, 27/08 0945. Male communication. Phone-in: interview. 25432 (RG). Tx w/35° Az to USA + Canada West Coast. PAPUA NEW GUINEA - PNG, 3325 kHz NBC Bougainville (t), Kieta, unid language, 27/08 0915. Male communication, typical song. 15441 (RG). PHILIPPINES - PHL, 9400 kHz FEBC Radio Lyangyou, Hui (?), 27/08 1021. Communication by female voice, a typical instrumental music. 27/08 1021. 35443 (RG). Tx w/330° Az to Southeastern Asia. SOLOMON ISLADS - SLM, 5020 kHz Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp. (t), Honiara, English, 27/08 0920. Male communication, a song in typical style. 15421 (RG). SOUTH KOREA - KOR, 5995 kHz Echo of Hope (VoH), Hwaseong, Korean, 27/08 0939. Male and female communication. QRM (noise). 23542 (RG). Tx to North Korea, off course. 6015 kHz KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, Hwaseong, Korean, 27/08 0947. Talk by male voice, strong noise jamming (for sure from KRE). 22542 (RG). Tx destinated to North Korea. TAIWAN - TWN, 9885 kHz Radio Taiwan International, Tamsui, Chinese, 27/08 1002. Talk by male and female voices. 35543 (RG). Tx w/267° Az to China. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - UAE, 6070 kHz FEBA Radio Pakistan (t), Al-Dhabbiya, Urdu, 03/09 0202. Christian message by male voice, and a song. 25332 (RG). Tx w/60° Az to Pakistan. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - USA, 5800 kHz WRMI RAE Argentina al Mundo, via Okeechobee, English, 03/09 0212. Talk by male voice, Argentina, democracy. 35543 (RG). Tx w/160° Az to South America. 5830 kHz WTWW, Lebanon, English, 03/09 0218. Talk by male voice. 25332 (RG). Tx w/60° to Eastern USA + Canada (+Europe?). 5890 kHz WWCR Nashville, English, 27/08 0943. Talk by male voice, instrumental music. 25332 (RG). Tx w/90° Az to Europe. ************************************************************ _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/