Place very clean of qrm 3 m antenna over tree plus 380 Writen in smart phone with one fat finger
5140 Charleston 1634 with 50s. S/N 30/8 fair 4920 Xizang plus eng mix 33/8 1624 4910 air Hindi sonx 32/8 qsb2 4905 holy Tibet 39/19 1626 clear signal 4820 Xizang PBS Cc talx 39/15 1628 4800 CNR 1 38/17 mixed 4765 Tajik not? 23/4 just a jba carrier 4750 Bangladesh with hi sx 27/8 no qrm 4010 no sing al 9630 cnr17 in KZ with 56/22 1633 The same time 1631 my daughter after just 15 minutes of playing in the alley with friends was bored and urged is to leave the place by removing the wire and putting in the earth!! Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list