9515 kHz in usage by KBS for decades.
yes, this co-channel mixture, plus 18 Hertz BUZZ tone distance is very
annoying frequency selection these days.
TWR Manzini on WRTH page 468
fax +268 25055333
no e-mail in 3rd world, but
Chief engineer interim Mr. Klaus Schiller
But their TWR bureau is located in Johannesbourg RSA instead, see KIWI-SDR
rx installation in Kiwi-Net
{zoom-in heavy, to avoid the other both Johannesbourg locations ! }http://kp.twrmon.net:8073/
KiwiSDR at TWR Africa, South Africa
Kempton Park Grid: KG43cv, ASL: 1500m, [map]
Antenna: Wellbrook Active Loop Antenna
TWR Africa Africa/Johannesburg (SAST)
e-mail info@twrafrica.org
Dir.Tech Sces James Burnett
TWR Vienna fax # +43-2236-31248892
73 wolfie df5sx