Reception in central. Thessaloniki using a vertical 6 m over a TV antenna pole and writen in smart with fat fingers and with several typing errors
Thursday 9500 poss RFI with signal 73 dbm 1626 9605 CRI in Russian talk signal 71 1630 9705 vati an? In Russian mention diplomat Germans 1631with signal 82 9870 trt? Mentions of Ankara Pakistan 1632 with Max 82 and undermod audio 9890 /9420 CNR 13 with hot pop sonx 58-71 maz 11530 welat 16 40 talks mentioned erdogan azadi etc signal 80 15310 bvb 1711 with HOAfrica Songz S81 Tumbril via wrmi on 2015 with classical music and fair signal on Thursday 6070 Friday on 1905-15 whole walking on the veranda to get rid of the local noise with signal 40-47 out of 35 floor Also on sun 3955 no signal Thu,15770 at 14+ only noise Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list