** BRAZIL. 4885, May 26 at 0606, JBA carrier. It`s rather too early for the Korean clandestine to be propagating, and besides, Ron Howard reports it`s on 4880 this week. 4885 overnight used to be a standout frequency for Rádio Clube do Pará, sometimes even with a SAH from the other ZY, always weaker Rdif. Acreana, Rio Branco, altho WRTH 2020 shows them both not on the air 24 hours. So what is this signal now, Acreana, or Pará on reduced power? Aoki does show Pará 24 hours, and Acreana off 0400-0900.
On May 23, Eduard Korsakov in Moskva asked the DXLD yg, ``Clube do Pará is off air on 4885 kHz (due to COVID-19?) for a while. Is it planned reactivation?`` Not sure how he concluded it was off. So I have been checking Brasil KiwiSDRs as night approaches after 2030 UT May 26: Closest is the one at Boa Vista, 1434 km = 891 statute miles city-to-city, but the local on 4875 has terrible audio and wide splatter blocking 4885. Almost as close is the one at Caruaru, Pernambuco, 1581 km = 983 stmi, and on this one I do have a VP signal in Brasilian, which is surely Pará rather than Acreana, much further on the other side of Brasil --- and besides, the KiwiSDR nearest that, in Vilhena has nothing but noise on 4885. Back on Caruaru, at 2059 reception is no better, sounds like an enthusiastic produced ID with music but I can`t copy a single word for sure. Perhaps later hearage by this one will improve to confirm it`s Pará even with a degraded signal? No, at 2157 there is still a carrier but no audio in the noise. At 2206 I try 4885 on the superior tho further Pardinho SP SDR, 2405 km = 1495 stmi due south in the dark, and now there is almost readable Brazilian talk, news, likely official hour on most/many stations, A Voz do Brasil without local IDs. By 0054 UT May 27 recheck, Pardinho has only a JBA carrier which could be Acreana if Pará now be off for the evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CANADA. MUST SEE! If you haven`t already and can spare almost two hours, especially if you ever listened to RCI on SW; and most especially if you ever broadcast over it! Or even as an appreciation of *all* the now destroyed SW stations. Mick Delmage reminds us: ``[WOR] Amanda Dawn Christie's "Spectres of Shortwave" about the closure and demolish of the Radio Canada International transmitter site near Sackville, NB. is now free to enjoy from May 26 to Monday June 1st 6PM EDT. https://en.dazibao.art/online Enjoy 73 Mick Delmage`` I bring it up at 23 UT May 26; it`s on Vimeo; not clear what the 6 pm EDT refer to, when it stops June 1? Not taking any chances, I watch it straight thru. Presumably one could play, stop, pause or resume it whenever during the week`s availability window. There are many different narrating voices, but we never see a one of them, in fact hardly any humans during the entire film. Nor are they named before the closing credit roll. Lots of shots of the towers, inside the buildings, highway travel, etc. Final narration is by Marc Montgomery breaking up as he says goodbye on the final transmission, and then during the last quarter with only the guy-wire-strumming? undercurrent accompanying, the towers start falling, excruciatingly, one by one (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA. CNR-1 jammer survey, May 26 at 1440-1450: 14700 & 14500 JBA carriers; 12820 S3-S5; 12580 JBA; 11150 S9/+10; 11100 JBA carrier; 11070 S6-S9; 10920 JBA. All these listed in Aoki/NDXC as jammers of Sound of Hope, except: 14700 and 12560. EiBi has 12560 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ITALY [non]. 14580, May 26 at 1757, JBA carrier via UTwente SDR, as 7290 is already on with open carrier prior to IRRS broadcast via mystery/unknown/secret site. Wolfgang Bueschel had already reported the harmonic. Ivo Ivanov, who has no connexion with Spaceline, the present Bulgarian SW company, has long maintained that this could not be via that site as all three transmitters are occupied, so Romania? But Alexander Busneag says RRI scheduling shows all their transmitters are also in use elsewhere at this hour. Ivo has often pinned various clandestine or other emissions on ``Secretbrod``, = Kostinbrod, the SW site near Sofia, some 20 km from him, if he can hear them on second harmonic. Today on same broadcast he recorded 7290 and several switches to 14580 where same audio could be barely heard at times. But he says 7290 is not very strong at his location, which it should be? ``SECRETLAND, NEXUS IRRS EGR/UNR and AWR Wavescan#587 via SPL Secretbrod on May 26 1800-1830 on 7290 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Tue EGR/UNR+2nd harmonic 14580, weak 1830-1900 on 7290 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Tue WS#586+2nd harmonic 14580, weak: BUT signal on 7290 is not strong and 2nd harmonic is weak here, around 20 km from Secretbrod https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/05/irrs-egrunr-wavescan587-via-spl.html -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLfmLlGztrY&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWO_s5vcnT8&feature=youtu.be 73! Ivo Ivanov`` His 7290 recordings also clearly exhibit the ``RTTY`` warble especially during breaks in program modulation, same as I hear via UTwente. He reluctantly? agrees that 7290 is probably from Secretbrod even tho he thinx all their transmitters are otherwise occupied. So I wonder if it could be from some other site in Bulgaria, mainly utility, where there is also RTTY bleeding into 7290? Another factor leading to Bulgaria instead of Romania is the bandwidth of 7290 compared to other known frequencies of both countries, per Wolfgang Bueschel: almost 12 kHz wide from 7290 and Bulgarians, only almost 10 kHz from Romanians (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TAIWAN [non]. WRMI distributed this notice May 25: ``Freedom Synergy Radio - New Program on WRMI Beginning Monday, May 25, WRMI will broadcast a new program called Freedom Synergy Radio. The program, which will be in English and Spanish, will advocate for Taiwan, Republic of China. Freedom Synergy Radio will air on WRMI at 9:30-10:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time Monday through Friday (0130-0230 UTC Tuesday-Saturday) on 5800 kHz beamed primarily to the Caribbean and on WRMI’s Internet stream. It will also be heard at 10:00-11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (1400-1500 UTC) Monday-Friday only on the Internet stream, which can be heard at www.wrmi.net and on popular radio streaming services such as TuneIn, Streema and Radio.Garden. Reception reports are welcome and will be answered with a WRMI QSL card by regular mail. Reports can be sent to info@wrmi.net or they can be submitted online on our web page, www.wrmi.net. They can also be sent by regular postal mail to WRMI, P.O. Box 526852, Miami, Florida 33152 USA. http://www.freedomsynergy.world --- You can find more information about Freedom Synergy Radio on their website`` To which I replied on the WOR iog: ``So that replaces R. Prague in English at 0130 and Radio Taiwan International in Spanish at 0200 on 5800. However, RTI remains on 5010, 7780, 9395; and Prague at 0130 remains on 9395 per current webgrid not yet showing Synergy, which is also, of course, anti-PRC. But who is really behind this? Address in Coral Gables - - gh`` I missed the first broadcasts UT May 26 but monitor them UT May 27: at 0130, FSR is on 5800 in English, not Spanish for a 30-minute program, and found also // stronger 9395, contrary to the above. Begins with recent news such as inauguration of Taiwan president, against China`s attempts at ``colonization`` of Taiwan, which was never part of PRC. YL host has slight Spanish accent, not Chinese. After song next topic at 0141 is what a great tourist destination Taiwan is, told in first person, reminds her of Hawaii. Goes on and on until 0156, ID and website ending program, 0157 WRMI fill music. Still on both 5800 and 9395, 0159.5 Spanish IDs by Alfonso Montealegre & Jaime Báguena, and 0200 start *another* English semihour by FSR, not Spanish, but with different content, 0210 about how Taiwan should be recognized instead of China. But wait --- from 0200 not on two frequencies but four, adding // 5010 & 7780 very poor signals here. So this completely replaces Radio Taiwan International which had been in Spanish at 0200 on all four. Maybe RTI retain 5800 an hour earlier at 0100-0130 when I did not check. WRMI websked grid still has not been updated to show anything from Freedom Synergy Radio. With a snazzy generic name like that, why should it be limited to propagandizing Taiwan? Also note that Jeff says the 0130-0230 FSR broadcast on 5800 is also on WRMI webcast --- that normally means the 9955 System B stream, so cut into that only for FSR? or otherwise? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2035 monitoring, next: 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Thanks this week for financial support from William Hassig, Mount Prospect IL, who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com PayPal not necessarily US funds as they will convert. One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, May 22, WOR) ** U S A. 3215, May 26 at 0609, dead air except for some hum and always squeal from WWCR-1, instead of Brother Scare who continues unabated on 4840. This happens again and again; mis-programming of automation? as if I should care. One less frequency for nonsense, and more $ $ $ down the drain (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0323 UT May 27 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/