9655 VoT 1025 with ID in various languages 1025 -82.5/-120dbm with 17 db fading depth 102620 with Turkish music with female singer 103027 s off 9650 Arabic station with good audio on 1020 that turned nearly off mod with -74dbm then with only carrier still on 1058 12005 farda with just carrier ON 1030 crash bang voice mentioning inja facekbook radio farda -57dbm signal 12 khz wide signal with up tp 18 db fades kosas kisas song on 1528 with -55/-120dbm signal 12110 CNr 1 VoC 1529 with advert then clock then time ID then news -62/-130dbm 10.5kHz wide Discussion between Om and child on 1549 12160 TWR talks in Hindic lang 1531 with -62/118dbm signal with 10 kHZ wide filter eibi show Punjabi TWR Indian 11 Chandigar tel 0458971 punjabi tdb .in , music filler , then I received a phone call that left me just look the signoff at 1545 ! 12015 VoK 1550 with female operas . the signal is mixed with underground buzzer (it’s a carrier )of -130Hz typical to most N K transmissions . Analyzing this carrier its fading patterns is different to the NK’s fading curve. There seem to be another on -230Hz There seems to ba also the typical jammer from NK !! 4010 Kirgiz radio (Birinchi )1730 and then with piano music and also orchestral music> No talks. signal -53/-105v with low modulation as always filled with the local noise ! 4806 Thessalos -86dbm/-120 harmonic of a radio pirate 1602.05 -73dbm/110 minus the QRM in its fundamental test transmission with old Greek songs. afer discussing with him there was no ned to change his frequency because nearly all are occupied He then played a soong for me adn my quite technical experience with radios and transmissions 6050 Xizang PBS 2001 with ID then th hymn ‘east is red’ then reel -65/-120dbm and program schedule over some traditional music 5995 RTV Malienne with talks in French wining the signal war with Zambia with -74/-115dbm with fades to -100 dbm Also -83/-93 in TWR S Afica again winning the war of signals! 3955 KBS 2015 with a pop song with English talks then talk in German mentioning also corona sofort -43/-110dbm SDR: 11890 Nyawa sarawak , via kiwi in Jakarta ,1108 humorous discussion as like from a theater with some funny spring sounds Halil Ibrahim signal S9+20 over S5 noise (-60vs 104) Nicola Ragalan mentioning for coronavirus on 1110 1xx in hospital , 25 , 9x ? , in various places in the malay peninsula MW 1665 slavic pirate with -92/130 dbm with trad song , short talks and leaving the music
Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list