what is the purpose of this e-mail ? strange, strangeTashkent 9390 kHz at 126degr Bangladesh / Lhasa Himalaya / Myanmar border target at SouthEast Asia behind also, or 9400 kHz from SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd. Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site at Yemen, Oman, UAE, Near East, Persian Gulf signals are 10 kHz apart distance ... at 7000 kilometers difference. - - - FEBA India is the regional SouthAsian part, and IBRA Media since 1955 is a Swedish Pentecostal Movement well-payer of radio transmissions in (formerly Europe in past century); now mainly in FEB Africa, and now partly in SouthEastAsian languages, see WRTH IBRA page 490 under SWEDEN, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bangla and Arabic is payed by the Swedish Media IBRA and FEBA So&SoEAS on page 473 under INDIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<.
73 wb ps. real Tashkent RRTM Telecom Uzbekistan bcast center is defective outlet ? Usually the UZB have clean audio transmissions recently, in contrast to the very poor BS / TOM outlets via Sofia SPC-NURTS Spaceline of ancient Soviet Union transmitter in bad shape. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via groups.io" Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2020 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] AN OPEN MESSAGE REGARDING A QRM PROBLEM AFFECTING 9400 KHZ Ivo, perhaps you are certain of this monitoring. In that case not only EiBi and Aoki but also HFCC and WRTH have it wrong as IBRA (or is there such a thing as FEBA via IBRA?) GlennOn Sunday, May 17, 2020, 08:16:02 PM GMT, Ivo Observer <ivo.observer@gmail.com> wrote: Its a FEBA Radio, not IBRA Radio On Sun, 17 May 2020, 20:03 Glenn Hauser, <wghauser@yahoo.com> wrote: I came to same conclusion except it`s IBRA Radio, not FEBA, per EiBi and Aoki. Glenn Hauser On Sunday, May 17, 2020, 08:00:54 PM GMT, Ivo Observer <ivo.observer@gmail.com> wrote: QRM is from FEBA Radio 1500-1530 on 9390 via defective tx in Tashkent, 131 deg to SoAs in Bangla On Sun, 17 May 2020, 19:36 William Tilford, <tilfordproductions@gmail.com> wrote: > AN OPEN MESSAGE REGARDING A QRM PROBLEM AFFECTING 9400 KHZ To whom it may concern: For the past several weeks, From the Isle of Music, an extremely popular program of Cuban music that broadcasts from Bulgaria on 9400 kHz Sundays from 1500-1600 UTC,has been suffering QRM from another transmission during the first half hour of the broadcast. It is obviously not an attempt to jam us, nor is it another program colliding with ours, for it is merely static but loud enough to degrade the quality of our broadcast for most of our listeners. When you leave the air midway through our broadcast, our second half is practically local AM quality in many of our target zones. We are not going to name you in this message, but if there is a problem with the timer at your transmitter,or if it is splattering onto 9400 from a different frequency, please fix the problem (again, we know this is not intentional towards us). If you are attempting to jam someone else's transmission, you are probably doing so at the wrong time and frequency, and we ask that you correct this as well. We are attempting to be civil about this, but this situation is unprofessional, and we hope that it may be resolved quickly. Meanwhile, readers who are listeners of the program or concerned radio citizens generally are encouraged to share this widely. Sincerely, William M. Tilford Producer and Host, From the Isle of Music
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