ïãó Logs for 12 Logs for 12 May
| | | | | | | | | | | Logs for 12 May Aa/bb : dbm of signal to local noise A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/... | | | Band noise levels: -115 dbm 5.8MHz to -120 on 6.2 -115 dbm 7.1 MHz to -120 dbm 7.5 MHz 5995 no signal here in Salonica from any station on 0430-500 !! (while looking for zambia or Mali ) 5975 NHK in English 0430 crash sign and immediately news 16000 cases -54dbm 6000 NHK?? Seems the same as in 5975 6040 TRT 0449 program in Turkish talk and background music -70dbm 6050 Quran el karim BSKSA 0450 imam praying ID 0451 6155 AWR in French 0430 ID again 0754 with -65db 6165 NHK Intl in Russian talks , addresses 0457-65dbm 6190 RROm in Russian mentioning address 045720 off 7245 NHK 0458 children song ID on 045915 -48dbm 7205 Sudan 045955 Arabic YL with a background music, clock at 050035 ID Omdurman Idaatu ka Sudan OM -85dbm tune in 0545 with HoS song 7295 Algerie 0501 with Qur’anic preaches 7345BBC 0502 news -75dbm 7460 VoA via BO 0503 with news in Afro lang -84dbm >> Kinyarwanda 7780 WRMI 0505 ToM Preacher talking -84 dbm 5920 HCJB 0507 talk in German -94dbm 6015 RFI 0509 news in French -50dbm 6005 BBC 0510 news, phone in abt CiV19 -61dbm 6125 Quranic preaches 0532 -65dbm ÐÉØ 6060 just a signal of -95dbm poss RHC 6180 VOA IS 0530 then program in French -87db 6155 R Austria 0524 in German with news on corona mentioning also on Greece -45dbm 2x5.4 kHz wide 7390 RFI 0538 news on Burundi , background audio as like jammer -60dbm 7508.8 .--. marker -99dbm 7508.7 -.. marker -99dbm 7380 RFI spur 0547 at -114dbm 6000U Italian operators 0550 in USB-95dbm 6015 RRI 0555 with prg in English with their program sched -65dbm and s off 5959.9 QUwait 0557 with Arabic songs unclear for ID then with news -85 dbm 11675 TRT 1100 discussions in Turkish https://sites.google.com/site/zliangas/sdr Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/